View Full Version : costochondritis flared up big time.. can't cope with this pain

16-01-16, 20:48
I'm currently sitting here, struggling to type this, I'm screaming and crying in pain, my costo flared up about 2 hours ago, to the point where i'm struggling to breath. I'm in so much pain, my chest, back and ribs, i've taken naproxen, got a hot waterbottle and no improvement

I'm so scared I've never been in so much pain in my whole entire life.. this is the worst flare up, i'm scared it won't go away and i'm so shakey... :weep::weep::weep::weep::weep:

16-01-16, 21:06
Do you have any prescription pain meds? A heating pad? My neck and shoulder are screaming today. I just put some Ben Gay on and I'm sitting here with one of those neck wrap heating pads on high. It helps.

Sometimes all we can do is grin and bear it. Hope it eases for you soon.

Positive thoughts

16-01-16, 21:14
Do you have any prescription pain meds? A heating pad? My neck and shoulder are screaming today. I just put some Ben Gay on and I'm sitting here with one of those neck wrap heating pads on high. It helps.

Sometimes all we can do is grin and bear it. Hope it eases for you soon.

Positive thoughts

I have a wheat bag in, I might heat that up, put that on my back, and put the hot water bottle on my chest. And I have prescription meds, I have naproxen because with costo, normal pain killers don't work, at all. And I have prescription jel to put on the areas it hurts. And i've used both (not sure if you can even do that but I did it because I just didn't know how to stop the pain)

Now i've calmed down i.e crying etc, it's actually easing off. I think I was making it worse by breathing like a woman in child birth :roflmao: but it's been going on for 2 hours or so, i'm just relieved the medication is kicking in and I've calmed down.

Thank you for the advise, I will definitely follow it! :) I think I was making it worse personally by being an anxious mess :roflmao:

16-01-16, 21:34
It's cool. Pain messes with your constitution big time. My wife and I were out shopping and I was really hurting. She was concerned and I got to the point of telling her to just let me deal with it. We came home, got things put away and I took some pain meds and such and its easing off now. She knows when I'm in this kind of pain to just leave me alone. We all have our ways of dealing with real physical pain.

Glad you're feeling a little better :)

Positive thoughts

16-01-16, 21:43
It's cool. Pain messes with your constitution big time. My wife and I were out shopping and I was really hurting. She was concerned and I got to the point of telling her to just let me deal with it. We came home, got things put away and I took some pain meds and such and its easing off now. She knows when I'm in this kind of pain to just leave me alone. We all have our ways of dealing with real physical pain.

Glad you're feeling a little better :)

Positive thoughts

It does, I've been snapping at my mum for the past two hours (I know I shouldn't, but it just came out) there's nothing anyone can do and then when you have people moaning at you it makes things worse. The way I cope is probably crying, and then she tells me i'm being silly and just get on with it, which makes me annoyed and then that makes things worse. It's like a cycle really.. it's not great :( but hey! it'll go off properly, like it always does :)

I'm glad your pain is easing off too, and I hope you feel better soon! :D

16-01-16, 22:01
I feel for you
I went for a swim this morning afterwards I. Was going to work my middle back was killing me my shoulders were as well I went to my osteopath did the trick

16-01-16, 22:07
I feel for you
I went for a swim this morning afterwards I. Was going to work my middle back was killing me my shoulders were as well I went to my osteopath did the trick

I've been thinking about seeing an osteopath.. do they actually help? :)

17-01-16, 04:29
Little miss when I get a flare up I go see my chiropractor. It takes about a week for the pain to subside but after the pain subsides its gone until the next time I get a flare up. Hope you feel better soon. Thinking of you.

17-01-16, 14:41
Little miss when I get a flare up I go see my chiropractor. It takes about a week for the pain to subside but after the pain subsides its gone until the next time I get a flare up. Hope you feel better soon. Thinking of you.

I think I definitely need to find one, because I've never had a flare up like this before.. I'm really sore today because of it :( I don't often get one this bad, this is the 3rd time the pain has been about a 10, usually they're only little ones and they're gone in a few days then I forget about it.. but jesus, it hurt a lot last night. I was terrible.

Thank you so much though! :D