View Full Version : Can globus occur in the back/top of your throat? Thought I had this beat...

16-01-16, 21:49
For six months I've been really preoccupied with neck pain and throat discomfort (you may have seen some of my posts) and was convinced I had throat cancer, of course.

I thought I had a handle on it this week where I wasn't feeling it quite so badly, but it's kind of returned over the last few days. But every time I read about globus it seems like people mostly describe it lower in the throat by the Adam's apple.

Mine feels like dry fullness/lump sensation more at the back top of my throat, like where I would imagine the nasal passage to connect to the top of my mouth. Can globus happen there, too? I only have it on the right side.

I also have neck pain on the right side, I can point to where it is exactly (my chiro though it was a cervical disc issue or related to poor posture) and when I bring my chin to my chest, I get a weird pulling discomfort in my back kind of toward the bottom of my shoulder blade.

I've been obsessed with the fact that my nasal passage is blocked on the right side too because it always feel that way. I've been doing a neti pot every day just to see if the passage is open (and it generally is).

Ahhhh, I do NOT want to spiral back into my throat cancer fears. Any thoughts? :shrug:

17-01-16, 03:20
Gosh Angela your symptoms sound like mine. Firstly, do you have allergies such as hayfever? I describe my lump in the neck more like a swelling, a cotton ball sensation like of a feeling. I have had allergy testing and I am quite allergic to dust mite and to a lesser degree to pollens. To rule this out, go see your Dr ask for a referral to an allergist and then for an ENT. The allergist will find out what you're allergic to and the ENT can take a look down the back of your nose. I have had this on and off for about 20 years, i get obsessed someti es tto where I convince myself its not allergies. To be honest with myself, im not looking after the resaon why i get this way. Sometimes I have pain, sometimes I dont. I imagine that the sensation I am feeling is from post nasal drip. I am due to go back to the allergist in 6 weeks and back to the ENT . It truly is so annoying, some dsys I am ok and i deal with it fine and then I go through a crazy spell where I think its cancer and then i will relax a little and remind myself.? Its been 10 years... i still here and the symptoms are still the same...

17-01-16, 04:34
Gosh Angela your symptoms sound like mine. Firstly, do you have allergies such as hayfever? I describe my lump in the neck more like a swelling, a cotton ball sensation like of a feeling. I have had allergy testing and I am quite allergic to dust mite and to a lesser degree to pollens. To rule this out, go see your Dr ask for a referral to an allergist and then for an ENT. The allergist will find out what you're allergic to and the ENT can take a look down the ba k of your nose. I have had this on and off for about 20 years, i get obsessed someti es tto where I convince myself its not allergies. To be honest with myself, im not looking after the resaon why i get this way. Sometimes I have pain, sometimes I dont. I imagine thT the sensation I am feeling is from post nasal drip. I am due to go back to the allergist in 6 weeks and back to the ENT . It truly is so annoying, some dsys I am ok and i deal with it fine and then I go through a crazy spell where I think its cancer znd then i wi.l relax a littly and remind myself.? Its been 10 years... i still here and the symptoms are still the same...

Thanks so much! I have had low-level, constant allergies since I can remember, but not so much the runny/sneezy kind, but just a lot of thick congestion deep in my sinuses. Usually if I blow my nose nothing comes out, but where I feel this sensation is where I feel like I constantly need to clear muscus, deep in the back of my throat.

Good suggestion to go to an allergist, I've never actually been! I do worry a bit about the ENT scoping my nose and throat, I'm paranoid that they will find something sinister, but I know it would probably give me great peace of mind once it was over... :wacko:

17-01-16, 04:56
I was terrified the first time too. ... actually I will be terrified this time around too but I know I have to do it. I think a lot of people with HA feel the same to some degree. I get so anxious when I have symptoms for a week or more as my brain has an expectation so anything outside of those perimeters. .. its obviously sinister isnt it.

18-01-16, 13:09
I've been having this too! Sooo worried. this is my first post on here, can't believe I've found someone with the same issue! I have an ENT apt on 2 Feb, have already had numerous bloods, GP checks and CT and MRI were both fine. Guess will see in 2 weeks!

---------- Post added at 13:09 ---------- Previous post was at 13:08 ----------

PS. Have had HA counselling but am in a bit of a dip at the moment.. Today's mantra is "Stop catastrophizing"!

18-01-16, 14:15
Don't worry, I have that kind of worries too years ago, I have had a sore throat, globus, and a cough, post-nasal drip,and also my voice is beginning to fade. I was convinced that I do have throat cancer, then holaaa: FLU. As soon as the flu went away, all the symptoms faded away. Don't worry, chill, you're fine.

18-01-16, 18:20
Yep, I have this right now. Had it a month ago, then it went, now it's back.

I have a constant need to swallow what feels like mucus on the right side, and it feels like a lump on the right side of my throat - at the back, I guess where the nose drains into the throat.

99% sure it's just post nasal drip or something like that.