View Full Version : I'm back.

25-02-07, 04:34
Hi everyone, I used to be on here all the time about a year ago. I wanted to start visiting again for some extra support. My name is April and I'm from the states. I did have a group of friends that I talked to all the time in the chat room. If any of you are still around send me a message. Here is a little more info about me. I've dealt with anxiety, panic and health phobia since I was in high school but it got really bad about 6 years ago. There are times when it was not so bad then there are times when it really sucks. I'm sure all of you can relate. Some times it gets so bad it really disrupts life. I hope for all of us that we can some day gain control over this beast. Ok then, that's it for now. Talk soon.

25-02-07, 04:59
Elo April,

Welcome back hun..x

25-02-07, 05:39
Hey wobily, thanks for the welcome.

26-02-07, 10:20

Welcome back to the forum.

Take care

Trac xx

26-02-07, 12:57
Hi April

A warm welcome back.

Do you know what your previous login name was on here?

26-02-07, 20:41
Yes it was liftmeup. I tried to log on with it again but it did not work. So I just came up with a new one. If I could get the old one back that would be fine too. Whatever works best.

p.s. Thanks for the welcome

27-02-07, 21:53
Hi April,
I can relate to how at times things are not so bad to times where anxiety is really disruptive to my life.
Take care,

27-02-07, 22:59
Hello there blue, how are you, I am new here and cant sleep at the moment, its good that you have come back to get extra support just wondering how have you been coping for the last year with your anxieities and did anything help, I think its good to share anything positive that has worked as it does inspire us and give us hope. take good care of you skylight

27-02-07, 23:50
Welcome back April :D

Piglet x

28-02-07, 01:34
Funny when I was readin this first you came to mind..so glad ur back hun..missed ya ye dope lol...muaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah xxx

Pink Princess
28-02-07, 14:05
hey april, welcome back, hope you setlle down again and find the support you deserve :)
hopefully speak soon
take kare x x x

03-03-08, 10:16
Hi April, I've only been a member for a few days, but welcome back. Well done for coping so well over the last year. You seem a to be positive person, but it's always nice to have friendly back up to turn to when you're having a bad day. That 'beast' can be contolled can't it! I got rid of it for 3 years and it felt wonderful, but it's started to show itself again recently, but with determination and support from these lovely people, I'm sure we'll get rid of that 'beast' for good.

Nice to meet you, take care, Loobs :yesyes:

03-03-08, 12:47
Hi April and :welcome: back

I'm sorry to hear you're going through a bad patch and hope things get better soon. You'll certainly get lots of advice and support here.

Take care,

Mike :)

03-03-08, 13:03
hiya April i wasnt here when you were a member but i would still like to :welcome: you back to nmp. hope you still find it as supportive and friendly as it was before, i know i do. hope to talk to you in the chat room sometime. take care hun:hugs: :hugs:.

kellie .xxxxxxxxxx

03-03-08, 13:05
Hi April,

Welcome back to the Forum!!

:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

03-03-08, 13:31
Hi April

Welcome back to NMP hun :)

Jo xxxxx