View Full Version : Leg twitching - right arm feels strange.

17-01-16, 17:53

I feel a little embarrassed doing this, not by the support that I'm sure this great community gives but the fact that I know I'm being stupid and I'm making things worse by probably doing this. But I hope that I may get some peace of mind or a form of support. This is going to be a long one and I appreciate anyone who sticks with it.

Basically since early/mid December, ive been getting twitches in my calves. Both calves. They are nearly always there, and they happen several times a second. its almost like there is an electrical current going through them. I can't see the twitches but they are there. Every now and then I get a bit one which I can see for a couple of twitches.

These twitches have now moved to my thighs, buttocks, arm. But these are just random one or 2 twitches and then nothing probably all day or for a few days. I've had the corner of my eye twitch too, when that happens its rapid for a few second bursts and then stops for a few mins before happening again.

I'm also getting the odd pin prick sensation in my arms and legs. A couple of weeks ago it felt like I was stood in a light rain shower of either scolding hot or freezing cold rain and you could feel it landing on my skin. That lasted a night and it mostly went but I get the odd sensation like this every now and then.

Now for my recent history.

Around August I realised I my bowl movements hadn't been solid for a while and so about September I went to the doctors. Around this time I was having a stressful time at work, basically managers not knowing what they want and piling everything on me (when its not my job) with no support. The doctor askied if it could be stress and I said no, as I ususally cope very will with that.
A week later it was no better, my bowel movements were worse, I was losing my appitite and I went back and said I think its stress. I got a note for 2 weeks and losec to ease my stomach. MY headaches lessened with time off but my stomach got worse. More blood tests and stool tests and all clear.

During October and November I lost 2 stone in weight. No appitite, physically couldn't put food in my mouth, hot flushes, abdominal pain, the runs and generally feeling stick. If I had 3 spoons full of soup in a day, it was a great day. During this period I was very worried I had something very sinister wrong with me.

Early December I had a colonoscopy and gastroscopy, while dropping off to sleep with the sedation, I told the doctor I had lost 9lb since I saw him 2 weeks again, he said to the nurse, "order an emergency CT scan don't wait for these results" which obviously meant he was concerned and worried me.
After the procedures the doctor said, he found nothing untoward, but tests showed I had helicobacter pylori. I was given anti biotics (which knocked me sensless, insomnia, sickness, dizziness) but a week after finishing the course my appitite came back, but this is when the slight twitching started in my left calf and then to my right.

Its slowly been getting worse but does have periods of being better.

I've been do the doctor who simply grabbed each of my claves, gave me some suplur tablets and told me to do more exercise.

Here is another aspect of my life which I feel may have importance.

Im worried about about some muscle wasting desease. I feel weak but I've recently had a massive weight loss in such a short time and during that time I hardly ventrured from bed.

However, reading about these deseases, they are talking about significant weakness. Last week I erected two 2.34m IKEA wardrobes on my own and I was holding my 3 and half stone+ 4 year old and 2stone 2 year old (not at the same time) over my head so he could slam dunk a basket ball.
I'm pretty sure you can't class that as weakness.

Other aspects of my life I have 2 kids, 4 and 2. My 2 year old has eczema and will wake several times a night scratching, each time it can take 30 mins ( if we are lucky ) to a couple of hours to get him back to sleep, and this can happen a few times a night. So for the past 2 years, I have been sleeping on a make shift bed consisting of couch cusions, cot matresses and the padding off a rocking chair. A typical nights sleep with consist of being woken twice and 5 hours of very broken sleep.
Because me and my wife are so tired, after getting the kids to bed, our dinner has consisted of mostly takeaways because getting our 2 year old to sleep again can take 30mins to 2 hours to do and by the time we are alone, its 9/10pm and we cannot be bothred cooking.

All this to me suggestes that all of this is stress, anxiety, exhaustion, but I just need to hear the opinion of others to ease my mind.

Thank you for sticking with this long post.

17-01-16, 22:58
The way I see it, your weight loss was not only produced by h.pylori but also by anxiety, anxiety can destroy your appetite, I would know.

I have recurrent h.pylori and it doesn't affect my appetite too much. Twitches are another typical anxiety symptom, I recently went through a few weeks of thigh/calf twitching. Twitches by themselves rarely mean anything serious, and by rarely I mean, almost impossible.

And finally, about the weakness you mention (I know what illness you're thinking about) don't even worry about it, what you have is just percieved weakness which isn't the same as clinical weakness. A simple test you can do is, can you stand up from a chair with just 1 leg? Try with the left leg and then also the right leg. If the answer is yes, then there's no weakness at all in there, you might just be a bit deficient in some nutrients due to your recent weight loss, just excercise more and eat better.

31-01-16, 03:36
Thank you for replying, and taking the time to read through all of that.
I would have replied earlier however my dad died not to long after posting this and I've been side tracked.

I have just done your test when sat on a toilet (I know, not the best of places) right leg was fairly easy and I was able to do it on my left leg, with a little more effort. I managed to do it 5 times in a row before it was a real struggle.

I've seen a neurologist who is sending me to have a test where they put probes in your muscles.