View Full Version : Advice from someone with experience

18-01-16, 01:12
Embarrassed but I have had a lung ct scan last year and was OK. 4 days ago I had a relapse of addiction. Will explain my ha only if anybody has used substance before. If not I will have to ask elsewhere. I joined a NA group but don't feel asking them is very appropriate

18-01-16, 18:07
Embarrassed but I have had a lung ct scan last year and was OK. 4 days ago I had a relapse of addiction. Will explain my ha only if anybody has used substance before. If not I will have to ask elsewhere. I joined a NA group but don't feel asking them is very appropriate

Not sure what addiction you are speaking of but if it's any help I abused codeine for over a year and was addicted (yes it's possible) to Cannabis for 5 years.

Message me if you wish.

21-01-16, 18:56
it is about crack cocaine. I had a mental break down got drunk and got stupid. Smoked the crap like 30 times that night. I not have shortness of breath and hot flashes and chest pain. (happened the 9th of jan.) I had perfect lung ct scans last year before this and am so mad at myself. There is no excuse for what I did but I was really fealing rough and will never drink again (wich led to this)

Drs treated me for pneumonia I cannot say I smoked crack or I will be put on a bad list for one mistake. I am worried it could be emphysema. Drs listened to my lungs and said they sound fine. I have no fever but they think it could be a viral pneumonia. That is the substance I was referring to.

Just really concerned, is it possible to ruin your lungs from one silly night if your lungs were great in a ct scan the year before? I do not want more radiation, I had a high dose last year to make sure there was no COPD or anything in my lungs

21-01-16, 20:22
The term everything in moderation springs to mind (maybe not with crack cocaine albeit).

People who smoke a cigar at new years don't automatically get lung cancer, and people who drink on new years don't automatically get liver failure.

If your lungs were good on scans then they will be.

Tell yourself off from your relapse, learn from it and move past it.

Everyone makes mistakes, treat it as a learning curve.

21-01-16, 20:29
its been a rough 2 years, had bad HA and everything came out great, then had a bad vaccine injury (lost alot of wight) and everything came out fine finally. Got depressed and fed up with HA and stress (getting help in a support group now) but that night smoked crack after a 3 week alcholic bender. I tried that crap when I was a kid you kno 10$ here and there but this time it got out of hand (100$) I really appreciate you talking to me because this is so frustrating

my wife keeps trying to tell me I will get better, and that having a good lung ct that you cannot just destroy that in one night of stupidity, just worried I could have cause emphysema or copd you know (ruled that crap out before in cts now afriad i did it from this)


21-01-16, 21:36
Honestly dude I wouldn't worry about it. Your scan was clear so you will be fine. You would have had to consistently used it after your scan for a while in order for that good result to change.

Just remember how you're feeling right now, and if you get tempted to use again further down the line remember this feeling.

Nobody is perfect dude, everybody has gremlims and everybody does things they regret and aren't proud of.

Your lungs are sweet. Focus on your mind and getting your overall self better and everything else will eventually click into place.

Don't give in to the monster!

22-01-16, 01:15
so its impossible is what you r saying?

---------- Post added 22-01-16 at 01:15 ---------- Previous post was 21-01-16 at 23:01 ----------

cause i am contemplating going to the hospital and getting x rays and cts to make sure

22-01-16, 08:08
can you really not tell your dr what you smoked? They are under oath to protect your confidentiality.

24-01-16, 08:20
They still put you on a drug list even for one mistake. Meaning medical treatment will be very discriminatory.

I had a good ct last year ruling out copd and emphysema , also ruled out lung cancer. Just worried somehow this one stupid night gave me one of the first 2, copd or emphysema. Mad that I slipped up and now feel trapped and a gonner.

24-01-16, 12:09
Your focus on the 'one night of stupidity' is a distraction from focussing on the feelings that have caused the HA. It sounds like you are in the middle of a major HA episode and no amount of reassurance from us is going to help you. COPD and emphysema are chronic lung diseases that take years to develop. Lung cancer too. If your lung ct was clear, then you are clear.
Forget the cocaine night, move on. Get help for your health anxiety.

25-01-16, 02:44
I appreciate the help, it just hurts you know. I get nervous never had a chest infection. I keep getting hot flashes, dry cough, phlegm from throat and chest pain. With no fever. I guess infections dont always have a fever? You are helping me alot with this info. I am listening

25-01-16, 03:48
My father has COPD/Emphysema after smoking for 50 years. It's something that happens gradually. He's had it for like 10 years now. If your lungs were fine last year then I don't think the crack bender will have given you these chronic lung diseases. If you keep doing it then yes. But honestly I think that you'd actually die from something else if you continued with the crack than you would lung disease! Don't beat yourself up. Continue with counseling and move forward.

25-01-16, 04:37
Everytime I read reassurance it helps me a little bit more. Is this what a lung infection is all about for symptoms?

*lung pains

Loosing my mind, even had a brain mri in october with no contrast to check my head. Now I am concerned about hypothalamus and pituitary tumours plus lung issues. I am seeing my dr soon but he wont do anymore tests. I am pretty sure mri without contrast would have shown a tumour.

Thank your for all this reassurance. I feel soon I am going to break out of this again

26-01-16, 02:38
going to the hospital loosing my mind, not getting better I think I killed myself

27-01-16, 06:17
Went to hospital, had xray finally. Dr says next time to be honest because crack is no big deal, accept heart issues (which they can solve that day or the day after with a temp of medication) Says it is just a lung infection and to be honest because they will not judge. Thank you everyone. I am going to stay off here for a little and try and recover. I hope I can stay away :P Thanks for all the great advice

27-01-16, 07:53
I see you are online so hope you are doing better?

Sounds like HA getting a bit out of hand because you have been ill. But I agree with what everyone above has said. You won;t do huge damage with one night on a bender. Not that I have any experience with crack, but if doc says it is an infection please allow yourself to be reassured.

09-02-16, 06:25
Thank you. I was better a week ago and then caught the lung infection again. I guess it's just that year. I was smoking my medical marijuana and it seems it started the infection again. Stupid me but I was having sleep problems. Got me worried again.... But I am trying guys thank you

10-02-16, 00:14
My xray was fine also they said had it 2 weeks back. I recovered but then started vaporizing marijuana and a week later was sick again. So this is not copd or emphasema right?

10-02-16, 00:27
I would say no. And as odd as it is....I found that as I got older Marijuana would induce panic attacks in me rather than the intended "relaxant" effect. So I gave it up completely. I Think I had one high that I panicked on...so all future highs in my mind were going to cause attacks. So I stopped using.

10-02-16, 00:44
ye i stopped after this. I quit booze cause of the crack issue and now pot because it just gave me a lung problem again... I am quite worried been a problem for 1 week and a half

10-02-16, 00:53
Cannabis caused me massive panic attacks.. I was crawling up the stairs with my heart beating so hard I thought I was dying. Never again.. Alcohol causes two days of anxiety so I gave that up.. This HA causes all sorts of pains we can't explain.. As we worry, it causes more and it means more worry.. Its a vicious circle.. X

10-02-16, 01:16
i have phlegm and a dang sore throat now with the breathless, ugh crap after crap this year

10-02-16, 02:52
Kind of comforting to find others that panicked with pot. Everyone I say that to looks at me like I'm nuts because it's supposed to relax you. I think for me it was more feeling out of myself...not feeling normal. That's what sets off the panic for me. Also led me into a fear of medication in general. And it all started with an addiction to meth as a teenager. So yeah....just say no to drugs lol.

10-02-16, 02:59
hows ya lungs now, ive had a few past addictions sober 7 yrs now other than the one slip up

10-02-16, 06:27
Not bad!! I get a bronchial related illness once a year. Hardly ever goes to my lungs. I think our bodies can take a lot more than we think. It's just important to treat them as best we can ☺

29-02-16, 03:32
still have hot flashes and at times feeling of breathless, more less hoping I am ok. Like you said my lungs cant be dead that fast from a substance (had a great ct last year, ) I get the hotflashes since I smoked it also... Worried