View Full Version : Firm, tender, immobile bump infront of ear has me worried.

18-01-16, 03:19

About 5 or 6 days I noticed some pain whenever I would touch my right cheek just infront of my ear (under my sideburns). When I poked some more I realized it is a small mass about the size of a green pea, deep under my skin. Maybe 1cm or little bigger.

It is firmly fixed in place, I can't move it. It feels smooth and painful tender to touch. However it doesn't hurt to chew or swallow or open my mouth wide or anything like that. It just sort of aches and hurts when I touch it.

I don't have any other symptoms (no recent fever or sore throats in a long time)

About 6-8 months ago this same exact thing happened on the same side. After a week or so the pain went away and I sort of forgot about it. I'm not sure if the lump ever went away, but the pain did. And now it has returned, so I'm not sure if the lump went away too and returned, or if it was there the whole time and just the pain has come back.

This has me worried, and I won't be able to see a DR for several days.

Could this be something serious?