View Full Version : Please read ! Need advice! :-(

18-01-16, 08:13
hey all, I'm looking for some other perspectives. So as of late I was worried about chest pains, shoulder pains, pains right under my breast area on both sides.. Feel crampy and come and go. And some random back pains like below my ribs on the back on right side. I've got myself in a panic over gall bladder and pancreas. Pancreatitis or cancer and gallbladder cancer or problems... I had my boyfriend push around on my abdomen like they would at the docs and I felt no pain anywhere. I even felt around to feel any bumps or whatever and I didn't find anything. I just put this medicated spray for muscle pains on my shoulders and it has like a cooling effect and I don't feel any pain now. Would organ pain that refers there go away with something like that or would it still ache ? If I scrunch my shoulders in I sometimes can recreate that under breast pain. I've also been poppy there like the joints will sometimes pop around the sternum area like between breast at bottom. Also felt what I would say is a twitching there as well like you know how sometimes you can feel a muscle twitch in your leg? Yeah it felt like that. Could this all be muscular and rib related from tension? Also like I've stated in other posts I'm gassy and more burps occasionally. I just feel crampy and sore and I'm scared it could be organ related :( I've been a mess for about a week & a half ever since I was worries about chest pains. Been a downward spiral and I'm sick of making myself feel like total crap and getting emotional and telling my boyfriend I'm scared to die. He tries to calm me down and say you aren't it's just stress but I don't listen. Mostly because how would he know he doesn't have to deal with this constant fear. I even was feeling around my ribs and sternum between my breasts like the boney parts and freaked because one bone felt different than the other and my boyfriend felt and said it feels normal. I have no clue how he puts up with me anyways.. What do you guys think? :unsure:

18-01-16, 09:22
This has been my fear but I had a clear ultrasound. I am 28 and my chances of pancan going on the no. Of cases per year and approx. no of woman in the age 25-29 Barack is 0.0002% almost nothing at all. I am still having the pains as still very nervous but I am also 31 weeks pregnant and have terrible posture. It is most likely posture and tension but maybe ask GP for ultrasound to rule out gallstones x

18-01-16, 10:56
I have the same pains in my chest and ribs, mine is a condition known as costrochronditis. It is an inflammation of the ribs and it can feel like a heart attack. The pain can also radiate into my back and shoulders on a bad day. It hurts under my boobs if I wear a bra for too long as well maybe you should ask your dr next time you go they can usually tell just by feeling the rib and sternum area.

18-01-16, 12:39
I just put this medicated spray for muscle pains on my shoulders and it has like a cooling effect and I don't feel any pain now.... Could this all be muscular and rib related from tension?

Based on that, what's the answer? More gassy, burping too? What's that tell you? The stressed biology can and does cause all those symptoms and more. Check out the Symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms) page. I think you'll find most if not all of what you're experiencing there.

Positive thoughts

18-01-16, 13:19
Funnily enough my obstetrician has just said she thinks I have costo, I've often wondered that

18-01-16, 13:25
Speaking of chest pain, I am suffering right now, I am in tears. This pain is hellish. I want to shoot myself to end this pain.

18-01-16, 22:23
I have the same pains in my chest and ribs, mine is a condition known as costrochronditis. It is an inflammation of the ribs and it can feel like a heart attack. The pain can also radiate into my back and shoulders on a bad day. It hurts under my boobs if I wear a bra for too long as well maybe you should ask your dr next time you go they can usually tell just by feeling the rib and sternum area.

I read about this one and wondered if that could be it. Because I am usually a Side sleeper but lately if I lay on my side I'll wake up and my ribs will feel sore or stiff. Is that something that could happen with costrochronditis? and funny about the bra thing.. Most days I'll wear sports bras but if I wear my normal bra with the underwire I do feel like it irritates the spot under my breasts. What can cause costro? I feel like I haven't had any trauma to my ribs :shrug:

---------- Post added at 17:19 ---------- Previous post was at 17:16 ----------

Oh and Hopefulmi, I'm 21 so my chances for pancan are probably the same huh. Even if it was pancreatitis I would be worried because I heard that can lead to pancan. Also are gallstones a bad thing? Like can they harm you ?

---------- Post added at 17:22 ---------- Previous post was at 17:19 ----------

Based on that, what's the answer? More gassy, burping too? What's that tell you? The stressed biology can and does cause all those symptoms and more. Check out the Symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms) page. I think you'll find most if not all of what you're experiencing there.

Positive thoughts

I've looked at that page so many times and I find it hard to convince myself it anxiety. I was just wondering about the shoulder pain and that spray because I wasn't sure if that would make referred pain from organs go away too since I was worried about pancreas and gallbladder.

---------- Post added at 17:23 ---------- Previous post was at 17:22 ----------

Nirvana, I'm sorry I hope you're okay. Stay strong!

19-01-16, 10:29
Sometimes coughing from a flu or chest infection can cause costo and yes sometimes lying on my side for two long does irritate my ribs. I guess only a doctor can tell you yes or no but it is worth exploring.