View Full Version : cant stop worrying again over lump

18-01-16, 10:04
Iv been really trying to forget about this lump i have on my chest wall near my underwire. Iv had this coming up to three years now. It has grown slightly from pea sized to about a cm now it can feel tender at times. Iv had two ultrasounds last one being november 2015 nothing has been seen although it can be felt. Iv read alot about lipomas and liposarcomas having same characteristics etc and sometimes neither show on ultrasound as look like surrounding tissue. Im fed up of thinking about it every day. I just want to believe my drs are ruggt but i cant. Has anyone else got something similar whovcan share their experience with me. My lump does move under skin and is not noticeable. Thanks

18-01-16, 12:14
Cancerous lumps are usually very hard and I don't think they'd grow that slowly. I've also read on many sites that they don't move either. Whatever it is, it is most likely benign. Have you seen a GP about it?

18-01-16, 13:08
Iv seen so many gps all say same its fat if was anything sinister ultrasound would have picked up. Wontvremove they wont biopsy as nothing seen on ultrasound although they can all feel it. They say feels smooth and it moves. Iv asked for ct scan they said it would be rejected. My problem is im concerned ultrasound is not that accurate in detecting things. I really do want to believe them. If i had never googled id be non the wiser about sarcomas.

18-01-16, 13:13
Iv seen so many gps all say same its fat if was anything sinister ultrasound would have picked up. Wontvremove they wont biopsy as nothing seen on ultrasound although they can all feel it. They say feels smooth and it moves. Iv asked for ct scan they said it would be rejected. My problem is im concerned ultrasound is not that accurate in detecting things. I really do want to believe them. If i had never googled id be non the wiser about sarcomas.

I can tell you with all certainty that a CT would pick up something sinister. It certainly did with my cancer. Cancerous nodes and lumps are hard and do not move. In my case, they were painless and grew... fast! You've been given the all clear. Be thankful! I wish I had been so lucky ;)

Positive thoughts

18-01-16, 13:40
Sorry fishmanpa iv not had a ct just ultrasound. Iv asked for ct scan but they wont refer me because said would be rejected. I know i should trust my gp but you hear so many stories about them not having time for patients lately i panic just see my notes and ignore my symptoms

18-01-16, 14:02
I can tell you with all certainty that a CT would pick up something sinister. It certainly did with my cancer. Cancerous nodes and lumps are hard and do not move. In my case, they were painless and grew... fast! You've been given the all clear. Be thankful! I wish I had been so lucky ;)

Positive thoughts

Well, hello fishmanpa. I have half an ich diameter node/lump near my jawline and it's hard but isn't painful , based on my research this could be a cystic acne. But I have this for 5 years and doesn't grow and it causes no problem at all. Additional info: I have always been plauged by acne/pimples since high school, and mostly big and painful ones. Although it is more controlled now,not like before. What’s your take abour this sir? Is this something I should be worried about?

18-01-16, 14:45
Well, hello fishmanpa. I have half an ich diameter node/lump near my jawline and it's hard but isn't painful , based on my research this could be a cystic acne. But I have this for 5 years and doesn't grow and it causes no problem at all. Additional info: I have always been plauged by acne/pimples since high school, and mostly big and painful ones. Although it is more controlled now,not like before. What’s your take abour this sir? Is this something I should be worried about?

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

I'm not a doctor but based on what you said, I wouldn't be concerned. Just to give you an example. The cancerous nodes in my neck started out like any normal swollen node from a cold... about the size of an almond. Within 3 months, at the time of diagnosis they were the size of large walnuts. By the time I went for surgery to have them removed, it looked like I had a bad case of the mumps on the left side of my neck! I had two cancerous nodes removed well over 5cm and 23 additional for safe measure.

I kind of get the fears but everyone posting about these type of fears have been cleared by a medical professional, sometimes several, and often has had additional scientific medical tests to rule out anything sinister.

Positive thoughts

---------- Post added at 09:45 ---------- Previous post was at 09:37 ----------

Sorry fishmanpa iv not had a ct just ultrasound. Iv asked for ct scan but they wont refer me because said would be rejected. I know i should trust my gp but you hear so many stories about them not having time for patients lately i panic just see my notes and ignore my symptoms

Ultrasound would have picked it up too. They used ultrasound when they did the fine needle biopsy on me to help pinpoint the right location. And yes, you really should trust your GP at this point. Do you think he would risk losing his license to practice medicine by refusing you tests that you actually needed?

Work you the reasons why you're still concerned as opposed to chasing a diagnosis that will never come.

Positive thoughts

18-01-16, 16:21
No i dont believe gp would risk their job. When i feel lump i think it feels bigger than what they say although i di agree it moves. I just wish i had never looked at google. I know its more likely to be benign than cancerous as what i think it is is rare but i cant get over the ultrasound has not seen anything when its at least a cm big. I just wish i could forget about it iv been like this three years now over this lump

18-01-16, 19:56
Sounds like a harmless sebaceous cyst or a lipoma (fatty lump), both of which are very common. My aunt had one for years, GP said leave it alone, but it grew to be the size of a largish marble and it was rubbing on her bra so she had it removed eventually. Try not to worry, trust the doctors.