View Full Version : Not sure if a bug bite or something worse [picture]

18-01-16, 10:04
A week or so ago, I woke up to find an itchy spot on my hip. It looked like a bug bite so I put some topical cream on it and ignored it. Well, I say itchy but it only itched if there was contact with it. Usually there was nothing.

This evening though, when I was getting ready for a shower, I saw the spot on my hip had changed. It doesn't really LOOK like a bug bite anymore; it has a pale yellow center and a pink, raised edge. It also feels kinda scaly... It doesn't itch or hurt, but it is worrying me.

I know I shouldn't, but I google'd it and all I'm getting is ringworm and Lyme disease and sites telling me it's contagious... If that's the case, I'm worried about what to do for work. I work retail and am constantly using my hands, and if this thing is still there after a week, what if it gets to my hands too?

I haven't seen any other spots yet but it's seriously worrying me and making my anxiety flare up.

18-01-16, 12:59
Best thing is to see a doctor.