View Full Version : Raised white cell count - panicking!!!

18-01-16, 12:06
Just back from the doctor and got the results of my blood tests. Everything normal except for a slightly raised white blood count. He didn't seem bothered and said it could be from an infection or inflammation somewhere in the body but I kept on at him and in the end he gave me a form to have another test in 2-4 weeks. Of course I went straight home and diagnosed myself with Leukaemia and even found a few red spots on my body that apparently is another sign of leukaemia! Feeling so ill with worry now, and my anxiety, which had been easing slightly, is back with a vengeance! My mum died from Lymphoma so I think that is what's playing on my mind.

---------- Post added at 12:06 ---------- Previous post was at 12:05 ----------

And I've lost a lot of weight recently too, but I haven't been eating so I'm guessing that's why. So frightened.... ������

18-01-16, 12:08
How old was your mum and how old are you?

---------- Post added at 12:08 ---------- Previous post was at 12:07 ----------

I've lost a lot of weight too...through anxiety. ;)

18-01-16, 12:09
If the raised WBC count was of anything dangerous your GP would've responded so. Him wanting to check in 4 weeks is most likely just because he wants to make sure whatever infection you have goes away on it's own. If cancer was of any significant possibility, he wouldn't be waiting 4 weeks. I'm sure cancer didn't cross his mind and it wouldn't have crossed yours without the internet.

Weight loss is a symptom of a thousand things, so are red spots. If your anxiety will bother you this much ask your doctor for a check up sooner than 4 weeks and tell him your worries.

18-01-16, 12:12
My mum was 68 and I am 54. It wasn't the doctor who said repeat the test in 4 weeks, I insisted upon it. He was happy to just leave it.

18-01-16, 12:15
Then that makes it even less likely that it is anything of significance. Trust your doctor :) WBC can be increased for various reasons and if it was due to cancer I'm sure it would be significant.

18-01-16, 12:34
Do you really think so?

18-01-16, 12:50
You must try to trust your doctor with this.

Your full blood results would be totally all over the place - not just the white cells - if you had leukaemia.

Slightly raised white cells,as the doctor said, is usually just a sign that your body is fighting some form of infection, even one that you may not even be exhibiting any distinct symptoms of. No big deal, and very common.

If your appetite has been low recently, there you have the cause for your weight loss, plus stress and anxiety can cause weight loss, firstly if it is making you more jittery and active, and secondly everything speeds up in the body, including metabolism during stress, so that is entirely explainable.

Try not to worry about this. You doctor would not be sitting on this if he had any doubt you were acutely unwell. x

18-01-16, 13:33
Thank you so much. The rest of the FBC was normal, as was the serum electrolytes and thyroid function test. It was just the raised WCC - and only slightly raised. If I remember the "normal" range is 4 to 10, and mine was 10.1

18-01-16, 15:00
Thank you so much. The rest of the FBC was normal, as was the serum electrolytes and thyroid function test. It was just the raised WCC - and only slightly raised. If I remember the "normal" range is 4 to 10, and mine was 10.1

That is only a smidge high, so please don't worry!

Even a bit of a sniffle can raise the white cells.

In my experience, the white cell count is usually off the scale with a leukaemia.

So sorry to hear about your Mum. I think this is understandably fueling your anxiety about this, but I am am sure your doctor would not be so casual about this if he thought there was any cause for concern. x

18-01-16, 15:08
I'm a survivor. While it's true that blood tests don't pick up all cancers, with blood born cancers like leukemia, they would definitely show up. Even with my cancer (Squamous Cell Carcinoma Head and Neck), my bloods were out of whack. There are certain markers that would be looked at to indicate additional testing. You have no such indications.

Please try to listen to your doctor here.

Positive thoughts

18-01-16, 18:12
It sounds like your personal experience of cancer and going to Dr Google has put you into a lock-on regarding Leukaemia.

Like others above have said, if your doctor was at all concerned then he/she would have followed up - even as a precaution. They also wouldn't wait 4 weeks if cancer was suspected.

18-01-16, 19:02
I think you may well be right. My husband died from a brain tumour too in 2007 and that still plays on my mind because he didn't have any symptoms and it was very sudden (4 months from diagnosis to his death) I was 6 months pregnant with my son when mum died, and my poor son was only 9 years old when his dad passed away. Maybe this has something to do with why I am so worried about cancer?

18-01-16, 21:26
Christ, you've had a rough time by the sounds of it.

Sorry to hear about your Mum & your husband.

I totally understand why you fear cancer so much, I myself am a carcenophobic so I can't imagine how you must feel with such direct and raw experience with the horrible disease.

Remember, not everyone will get it and more people than not are now surviving cancer if they do get it.

But with regards to your WBC count I really wouldn't worry. It's not a type of obscure thing that doctors never see so might miss. It would be fairly easy to spot and if your doc ain't worried - try your best to think the same.

My counsellor told me a while back with regards to my fear of cancer, worrying about getting it isn't going to make it any less likely, constantly checking myself isn't going to make me live any longer or shorter.

"Anxiety - draining tomorrows energy, today"

18-01-16, 23:50
Thank you for your kind replies everyone. I'm going to try and be rational about this and hopefully get a little bit of sleep now. Night night my friends xxx