View Full Version : Trembling Hands - please help

Stuart Mills
25-02-07, 13:58
I'm so pleased to have found this site. Having just read some of the forum questions and advice threads. Hopefully someone will have some advice/suggestions for me. My situation concerns trembling hands at the most inopportune of moments. I am a very process driven person and I really don't like change. However, I decided to take a few risks recently. One was changing jobs after almost 7 years with the same firm. The other was seeing a hypnotist about my fear of going in lifts and tubes. I can now use them - although there is still a little anxiety. I'm wondering though, whether these changes have affected me.

I have only been in my new job now for 3 weeks and I've developed a really bad tremble in my hands. It only happens on occassion but at the worst time possible. If someone asks me to make a cup of tea then I have problems. If it's two cups that I have to carry then it's just not going to happen without the contents going everywhere. It's getting so bad that as soon as someone mentions tea I start to have a panic attack.

The big problem is that I am the manager of this particular office. We have a big meeting coming up when all the firms managers will be getting together and I will no doubt be passed a cup of tea and just know that I will look as if I'm freaking out when my hand starts to jerk uncontrollably.

It is however, even worse than this. I often have to stand up and hold meetings with my team and write on presentation boards. The other day I could hardly hold the pen and I know that some staff had noticed.

In the next couple of weeks I am due to give some presentations using laptops and I'm not sure how on earth I will control the curser.

I'm reaching the stage where I'm actually considering resigning as I'm not sure that I could take the humiliation of ruining a big client presentation.

I've just bought some Vitamin B complex tablets and some Rescue remedy but any other suggestions would be greatly received.

25-02-07, 14:17
Don't do anything rash like resigning. If the trembling is a problem there's no way you'll be let near a presentation by your employers. Maybe you're more sensitive to it. I have a slight hand tremor but it's a side effect of medication I'm on. when I become aware of it it becomes worse I find

25-02-07, 14:43
My trembling hands is a side effect of medication too. I am a teacher which is very difficult as holding books, puppets and writing on a white board is tricky. I just tell myself that its not my fault and I am doing the best job I can, and its not hurting anyone else! Whats a trembling hand between colleagues? I bet loads of peopel get the same symptom because they are nervous. You'll be fine! Resigning is giving in to anxiety!