View Full Version : Switching from Escitalopram to Venlafaxine

18-01-16, 18:47
Ive been on escitalopram 15mg for the last two years, but my GP wants me to switch to Venlafaxine as I am still getting episodes of depression and high anxiety.
has anyone else done this, and was it better? She has told me to taper off the escitolopram over the next 2 weeks, so it is stopped altogether before she gives me the venlafaxine, so not sure what dose I will be starting on. I am very nervous about this, as I am going through a very stressful time at the moment, so anxiety levels are higher than normal anyway, but feel I don't really have a choice, as I defintely dont think the escitolpram is working any more.
Any tips out there, any success stories , and is Venlafaxine good for GAD?
Many thanks for reading, and best wishes to all x

19-01-16, 18:51
Hi, I don't know if I can be much help but wanted to reply....I've been on Venlafaxine for about a month. I was on Mirtazipine but was getting extremely low alongside already high anxiety. I saw a psychiatrist in the end who kept me on the Mirt whilst adding the Ven so I didn't have to stop one before adding the other.

I can understand your anxiety about changing meds. Did you have many side effects when you started escitalopram? I didn't experience many side effects with the Ven, some dizziness and slight nausea and maybe a little more anxiety. It does seem to have helped a little, though I'm far from back to normal.

Keep us posted on how you get on - it seems a little quiet on the Venlafaxine section at the moment but hopefully some more experienced Ven users will pop up sometime.

28-01-16, 17:34
Thank you , I am glad you didnt have many side effects on starting on the Venlafaxine.
I am all but off the Citalopram now, took my last 5mg tablet yesterday. I have had to come off them very fast as due to start the Venlafaxine on Monday. I feel dizzy at the moment due to the rapid withdrawal (just 2 weeks) from them, but know that they have simply stopped working, so need to change.
I am worried that the Venlafaxine may make me TOO anxious? Did you find your anxiety calmed down after a while?
I was fine when I started Citalopram, just very mild nausea for a couple of days, that was all. Before that I tried Sertarline, which made me feel awful, as in depersonaliation, dizzy, just dreadful.
Will let you know how I get on, just hope all will be well on this one!

28-01-16, 20:23
Hi I take ven and it's been an absolute godsend for me, prior to it I was a terrible anxious state so much so I had to move back in with my parents for a while as I could hardly function and I'm 35, married with a child!! I cross tapered over from mirt. The side effects I experienced were nausea but make sure you take it with food as that helps, my pupils dilated which freaked me out slightly but that stopped after a few days, as for an increase in my anxiety well I was in a terrible state anyway so I didn't know what was me or what was the side effects, I was prescribed Diazepam whilst starting which was a great help and took the edge off. It's a bit tricky getting the dosage right with ven as they only come in 37.5mg at the lowest dose so it's a bit of trial and error getting the dose that suits you but most people benefit from 150mg and above as that's when it kicks into an SRNI whereas anything lower works just like an SSRI like cit, prozac etc, I've stabilised very well on 187.5mg altho the increase from 150mg to that was tough due to it hitting more transmitters in brain but I'm so glad I persevered as I'm living a 'normal' life now. I find the slow release capsules/tablets are better as you only need to take it once a day instead of the standard release which you have to take 12 hours apart twice a day, doctors tend not to prescribe it as the norm as it's expensive but I asked for it and there wasn't a problem. Good luck and if I can help in anyway please ask ××

31-01-16, 11:45
Thank you Nicola1980. I am starting on 37.5mg XR tomorrow, as had to leave 5 clear days between stopping the Escitolpram and starting this. I really really hope it helps as I have literally been crying with anxiety some days. I feel awful at the moment, as so dizzy with the SSRI withdrawal. Saw my GP as an emergency on Friday and she gave me some anti dizzy tablets (Betahistine) but to be honest, they don't make much difference, so I feel like just staying in bed to stop the room spinning!!
Have a hubbie and two dogs to look after though, so that isn't a choice!!. I ought to add my hubbie had a severe breakdown last year, seemingly out of the blue, and he spent 6 weeks in hospital. I think the shock of that (he was always the strong one) has really knocked me sideways as well, and added to my existing anxiety and depression that I have battled with for years. Now I have to be the strong one, and it isn't easy!!!
Looking forward to feeling better (I hope!).
Thank you for your kind words x