View Full Version : Worrying all the time

25-02-07, 14:13
I seem to worry all the time about stupid things, I can worry sometimes about 4 or 5 different things in one day and some come back other days and some go away for a while and come back, is this normal? and is there any way to keep these worries under control so I don't think about them as much?

25-02-07, 14:30
Hi Phil,

Worry is the biggest symptom of GAD. I was diagnosed by the fact that I worry about anything and everything. I even worry about not worrying. The big thing I learnt about worry from CBT is that it doesnt make things better, but actually stops you doing anything about the problem. If you worry about being late for an appointment, worry will not stop you being late, its taking positive steps to make sure that you are on time that will help. Its hard to break the cycle! But I am working on it and so can you with the right help!

TC xxxxx

25-02-07, 15:17
I know what you mean...I'm worse lately. Funny thing is my agrophobia is almost completely cured thanks to CBT but I had to stop the therapy as the counsellor wasn't understanding by deeper rooted problems and making me worse but yeah I worry so much it makes me physically ill. I assume the worst about everything an even started thinking there is plots against me or ppl are trying to kill me. I worry about how I look, how I sounds, what people think and just about everything.

26-02-07, 03:38
I'm the same way! It sucks dont it? I'm 25 and already have a ton of grey hairs lol :P If you find out how to stop it let me know, hehe thanks

26-02-07, 12:14
Hi There,

I'm a real worrier to I worry about worrying me! LOL:ohmy:

My therapist told me once I had to have half an hour a day where I wasn't aloud to worry at all :ohmy: The rest of the time I could worry but in that half an hour I had to stop.

I did think it helped as sometimes I realised I gone on longer then half an hour without worrying! Then I'd worry because of that. Oh well i tried! :confused:

Take care,

Love Pip's X X

27-02-07, 10:36
lol im the same has you cant stop worrying about things
i dont get any sort of help from doctors cus they stink and think im a hypercondriac
so i just try and deal with it all myself

27-02-07, 10:48
Hi Phil

I to worry about everything, and I'm hoping that when my CBT eventually starts it will be an issue I can address with my therapist. I worry about things that are years away from now - that probably won't even happen. I think the whole worry thing is something we learn - I certainly did, from my father, who was constantly worrying about everything. A lot of my issues (which I know are deep-rooted) I work hard at trying to hide from our son - I really am keen to break the cycle. My husband is very different to me - he's a realist, but doesn't worry about things unless they are actually happening - and then he sees them as a problem to be solved.

I was awake at 3.30 this morning - worrying about something which is pretty much solved, but I couldn't put it out of my mind and get back to sleep, and unfortunately it started a panic attack.

You are not alone Phil; is your GP helping and has he/she sugggested CBT?


27-02-07, 13:17
Have you tried writing down your worries. It doesn't matter how big or small they are, or even that they may seem irrational or illogical to other people. You could then grade them into groups, splitting them between those which you have control over and those which you don't. Next maybe try looking for some solutions for the ones you can control and some coping mechanisms for the ones you can't. There may be some that you feel able to tackle and some you may have to leave alone for now.
I have done this, and it has helped me. I try to tackle one problem on the list each day (or it can be each week or month if they are hard to overcome). I do have to be careful as I am a bit of an obsessive list writer, but the satisfaction of crossing one out really has a good psychological effect and eliminates that worry as I know I have dealt with it.
Good luck, Izzy xx