View Full Version : Terrified

19-01-16, 10:19
My partner is having an ultrasound this afternoon as she has not had her period for a couple of months.
I am taking her there.
I have bad anxiety as it is and am absolutely terrified it may be cervical or ovarian cancer.
The worst-case scenarios keep repeating in my head over and over and over again.
I can't imagine my life without her, but I don't want her to see that I am panicked.
I can't concentrate or sleep.

19-01-16, 11:12
Could she be pregnant?

19-01-16, 11:14
No, she definitley isn't!

19-01-16, 11:22
Well, how is she? Is she panicking as well?

She probably needs your support right now. Does she know how you feel?

19-01-16, 11:23
She doesn't seem to be.
No, I don't want to worry her.

19-01-16, 11:34
Well, try to be as supportive as you can until the results come in.

Remember you're catastrophising -imagining the worst, -it must be cancer etc.

It could be nothing.

Even if it were something serious there are lots of treatment options available these days.

19-01-16, 11:37
But it's affecting my work, sleep, etc - because of my bad anxiety.
We are getting married later this year and I am extremely worried everything will go wrong after the ultrasound.