View Full Version : Gestalt Counselling & Integrative Psychotherapy

22-09-04, 23:40
Hi all

Just wondered if anyone is familiar with Gestalt Counselling or Integrative Psychotherapy? If so could anyone tell me if this has helped them at all?


24-09-04, 00:56

Sorry mate no information on that one.

But hope you can tell me more of what it includes

Love Sal xxxxx

Caz Fab Pants
24-09-04, 10:56
Never heard of it.

Why not try a Google search to get info.


24-09-04, 17:06
Sorry, never heard of it either.

Is it something the doc suggested?


25-09-04, 18:40
Hi Sue

No it's just when i was looking for a private therpaist it mentioned it next to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy on the advert, so was just curious really


26-09-04, 18:29

Here's a bit of info on Gestalt therapy ....

Gestalt therapy derives from the work of Frederich S (Fritz) Perls. He believed that people have an innate goodness and that this basic nature should be allowed to express itself. From this perspective, psychological problems originate in frustrations and denials of this inborn virtue.

Gestalt therapists, like humanistic therapists, emphasise the creative and expressive aspects of people. A central goal of such therapy is to help patients understand and accept their needs, desires and fears and to enhance their awareness of how they block themselves from reaching their goals and satisfying their needs. A basic assumption is that all of us bring our needs and wants into any situation, that we do not merely perceive situations as they are but instead we engage our social environment by projecting our needs, fears or desires on to what is out there - an example is that sometimes unfinished business with a significant person from our past can affect how we deal with someone in the present.

Gestalt therapy techniques focus on the here and now, and do not delve into the the clients past. Gestalt therapists believe that the most important event in a clients life is what is happening now. If the past has been bothersome, it is brought into the here and now. Questions of why are discouraged because searching for causes in the past is considered an attempt to escape responsibility for making choices in the present. Clients are exhorted, cajoled, sometimes even coerced into awareness of what is happening now.

Gestalt therapy forefully conveys the existential (here and now) message that a person is not a prisoner of the past, that he or she can at any time make the existential choice to be different.

From Davison G.C., and Neale J.M. (2001). Abnormal Psychology. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons.

Hope this helps ... go for it, can't wait to hear what you make of it!

Best wishes, Jo x

26-09-04, 18:57
It sounds interesting KW, why not give it a try?

27-09-04, 12:13
Hi Jo

Thanks for the information. It certainly sounds interesting and would probably be applicable to my difficulties. I'm going to see a therapist this week to discuss CBT and other possible therapy.

Will keep you updated!


29-09-04, 00:16

Have done CBT and that changed my way of thinking through anxiety but made me see a different light on it all. Would recommend it to anyone. I am lucky got it free and have more sessions to go and have put them off, for no reason but you have just given me that kick up the butt.

Love Sal xxxxx

29-09-04, 09:22
Hi Sal

I have put it off so much but i know my problem won't go away unless i face it. Hope you make another appointment soon. Have found if we ponder on these things it can only make matters worse. This week i've just been getting on with things and haven't been thinking about it too much. It's helped me..i haven't had much time to worry you see! Keeping myself occupied doing lots of reading.


30-09-04, 19:33
Hi there KW

Just wanted to wish you luck with whichever therapy you end up going with ... let us know how you get on mind!

Best wishes, Jo x

30-09-04, 19:50

Just want to wish you luck.
You will find the light at the end of the tunnel, you just have to find the right path.




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