View Full Version : Lump behind ear

20-01-16, 21:46
I came across this forum a few days and I'm feeling like sharing/venting might garner some peace of mind and also advice.

I've had a bump behind my ear for probably five years and saw my GP about it (to be told it was nothing), but recently I've started obsessing over it. An inane comment from a colleague at work a few months ago about something similar on their body has turned into full blown panic in the weeks proceeding Christmas because I thought the bump had got bigger.

The bump itself is similar to what has been described in forum posts here before, sort of round, 1cm across and rubbery - not hard and not soft - almost like a small contact lens under my skin. It's sort of locked in place because of the position it is behind my ear, but it isn't unmovable. And it seems to get bigger the more I prod, and shrinks if I leave alone for a few hours.

I work at an NHS organisation so naturally I've bugged three doctors to take a look. The first was unconcerned, said it was probably a cyst or enlarged node but nothing to worry about, especially as I wasn't ill and had had it for years. The second was similar, but sensing my distress said it might be better to see my GP and perhaps have a blood test for complete peace of mind. The third didn't prod or poke but told me how unlikely it was that it was anything serious, that some people have enlarged nodes that can be felt and just try to leave it alone.

I went to my GP (count: four doctors at this point) who felt the bump, felt around it, felt my neck, under my chin, looked into my mouth and also in my ears and declared I had a cyst. He said it was nothing to worry about, don't touch it and to leave it alone. I mentioned the other GP's recommendation and he believed I did not need a blood test.

This kept me from the edge for probably about two days but I've slowly crept back into full blown panic. Google has been a cynical companion and it feels like I've started inventing symptoms like pain above the area of the bump and below it. I can't tell if it's actually pain or not, but conveniently it only comes around 7pm at night when I'm back from work and my mind starts to shift to the 'what ifs'.

Feeling like this is driving me mad. I'm constantly battling with my irrational anxieties and the reality of the situation. Four qualified and experienced GPs wouldn't ignore me if it was anything serious and would have picked something up, but why can't I relax? I keep prodding the bump making it increase and decrease in size, giving into the temptation of internet searches and I just feel awful.

Any tips on dealing with this? I've got form for health anxiety (started around 16, now I'm 25) so the rational part of my brain is telling me I'm fine, but I still can't beat it.

20-01-16, 21:57
You've gotten the best reassurance you can get in 4 medical professionals telling you it's nothing to be concerned with. I can't imagine what anyone here could say that would hold more weight.

As far as dealing with it? Just as many others here have been advised, therapy and/or meds are the most effective methods to break out of the cycle of anxiety. Ultimately, it's up to you to take those steps. With hard work and determination you can heal, learn to deal more effectively with that irrational voice and move on with your life.

Positive thoughts

20-01-16, 22:11
My partner has a lump behind his ear I have always assumed it was a cyst (possibly ganglion as a friend had one removed from their wrist which looked similar). He has had it since I met him just over 10 years ago. It's not massive but certainly not small and has never caused any problems.

---------- Post added at 22:11 ---------- Previous post was at 22:09 ----------

Ironically Google was what first told me I was having panic attacks (I typed in waking up through night with pounding heart) and it came up panic attacks so I had no reason to think Google was as evil as it is. But it is it's your worst nightmare and will completely destroy any recovery you may have I would stay well away if you can. It completely ruined my Christmas this year after around 6 months of my health anxiety being okay.

Gary A
20-01-16, 22:21
Being a HA sufferer, you're clearly worried that this is some kind of tumour, right?

Cancerous tumours do not get smaller. It really is that simple. They grow and grow, they do not stop once they've started. If you had a cancerous tumour for 5 years, it would have grown noticeable, you'd be completely ill, and in fact, you'd be lucky to even still be alive.

You do not have cancer, four qualified doctors and everything medical science knows about tumours say so.

20-01-16, 22:31
Yes you're correct. Whenever you type in 'lump behind ear' on Google you'll eventually get to lymphoma - which is the root cause of this latest bout of HA.

I've dealt with HA before and have quite a colourful history of perceived illnesses so I'm at least aware of how irrational I'm being. It's ridiculous that having consulted four GPs (five if you count the one who original saw it five years ago) I'm second guessing that and wondering if they have missed something.

They being qualified doctors with a combined total of around 65 years of medical experience and me, non-medical, with an overactive imagination and a search engine.

With all that being said, it's still hard to beat it when these thoughts come into my head. In some ways it does help read my experience written down as it at least gives me some sense of clarity...:unsure:

03-08-18, 06:53
Hi, one week ago i changed my hairdresser and so the hsirfye was also another brand. Morning after my scalp was itchy, red, uncomfortable and i found a little lymph node behind my ear, one behind right,one behind left. They werent there before. They are small but like an anxious person i can feel them. Did anyone else experinced swollen lymph node after the hairdye reaction? No other problems/symptomy, feeling well.