View Full Version : Anxiety & rib pain? Or am I dying..

21-01-16, 00:56
I've spent some time looking at past threads about rib pain and anxiety and I'm not sure it it helped very much.
I've been getting rib pain.. Either side but seems to be more left sided. It comes and goes throughout the day randomly. When I woke up this morning (I lay on my sides) I felt a pain around the sternum area like a cramp I guess. I stretched out and it went away but it worried me. Last night I experienced a sharp stab pain around the left ribs at the bottom under breasts this one was a sharp one and hurt when I breathed in. It went away quick though. I'm very terrified about a tumor being inside me or something. Some of the ribs feel sore but that soreness also seems to come & go. Aside from the tumor thought I'm scared about pancreatic , lung or some other organ cancer. I know I should go to the docs and one moment I feel like I'm ready to go but then the next thing I know I'm so very scared to go and hear what they might say. I've also haven't gone to this new gp I have because I got new insurance. It's my boyfriends family doctor. I find myself thinking about how this is it my 21 year old life is over and I've cried a couple times. My cat just a few minutes ago jumped on the bed like a ninja and jumped right on my upper abdomen so now I'm scared I'm going to have internal bleeding happening. I need some reassurance from others that have experienced any type of rib pain from anxiety.. I can't stop thinking the worst. I don't know what to do. Also when I breath in I feel no pain. The only plus side to any of this is my shoulder pain has now eased up.. I was so worried about that a few days ago. I feel like this rib pain has been around about a week now. I do my manual treadmill for 30-40 mins a day I don't know if that could have caused this or my anxiety and stress. I haven't done much of anything this week because I feel so upset and depressed that I'm dying from something.

Anybody please help if you can . :weep: I need some kind words so bad.

21-01-16, 01:13
Aside from the tumor thought I'm scared about pancreatic , lung or some other organ cancer.

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells, It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

Your discomfort comes and goes and jumps around to different areas of your body. Cancer doesn't do that.

Positive thoughts

21-01-16, 02:33
What about if it metastasized thought the body from a mole or tumor else where.. Couldn't it move around then :unsure::weep:

21-01-16, 02:39
If cancer has metastasized throughout your body you would not be able to be working out on the treadmill 30-40 mins a day! I have major health anxiety too! I have finally become able to go to the doctor and have bloodwork and reassurance. I am only 25 and totally have felt like my life was just going to be over. And had scares of tumors and etc. I have had to come to terms that I have HA and my brain is very powerful in making small ailments worse. Anxiety is exhausting to our body and our mind so that can often be the reason behind our aches, pains, and abnormalities. If the problem persists longer than a week or two more, I would go have it checked out. It could very well just be a pulled muscle. Love and hugs! I feel your HA pain sister!!

21-01-16, 02:54
Anxious mind,
Thankyou so much for your reply. We sound so similar! Congrats on being able to go to the doc! This is a fear I have yet to confront. When I went to the ER last month over me thinking I was having a heart attack (at 21 yes) i was so anxious my heart rate monitor would be all over the place and wow when they took blood it skyrocketed because I was so scared about the results. Totally sucks. I can seriously be so irrational and I know it but I'll totally believe everything I'm thinking. I agree I'm going to monitor all this at least another week and try to relax and get out more and see. Again, thank you :hugs:

21-01-16, 03:14
I can relate to that. Right now, I am experiencing a dull left jaw pain, I am trying my best not to overthink. Anxiety really suck.