View Full Version : New panic attack symptom?

21-01-16, 04:52
I've had anxiety/panic attacks for a number of years, but today I had a symptom I'd never experienced before. I woke up uncontrollably shivering and feeling cold, my teeth were chattering and this went on for about 20 mins then passed.

So has anyone else ever had this? Is it a normal panic symptom? Have people suddenly had a new symptom like this appear out of nowhere even after never having anything like it before?

21-01-16, 11:42
Hi there,

maybe what you experienced wasn't a panic symptom? With us anxiety sufferers, there's usually the tendency to attribute every physical sensation to panic/anxiety, but sometimes this is simply not the case. Perhaps you were just cold, or are coming down with a cold. It could have also happened because of a bad dream you'd had... there are a number of possible explanations.

However, I find that new symptoms appear out of nowhere for me, which is disturbing, but just something I've got used to over the years. :)

I hope you're feeling better today!

22-01-16, 18:15
When im very anxious i tend to get cold too. I think it has something to do with tensing your muscles maybe. But its definitely worse in the morning or right before bed for me though. Try making yourself a cup of your favourite non caffeinated bevarage and try to calm yourself with a breathing exercise. This usually help me a bit but everyone is different. Have a calm and nice evening :)

24-01-16, 07:13
Sometimes when I panic, I feel a horrible chill, but it's never gotten to the point where my teeth were chattering. (Although, if it happens one of these days, I won't be surprised.)

I've been dealing with anxiety for 15 years now, and each time I panic is a little different, but one of my most recent attacks brought a sensation of pins and needles going up and down my arm. I understand that is common for some people, but it hadn't happened to me until last week.

Just to be on the safe side though, you might want to consult with your doctor.

24-01-16, 12:55
I get like this. Sometimes when I have a panic attack or I am highly anxious, I go freezing and I literally shiver and then other times I burn up and sweat buckets. It always passes within half an hour.

26-01-16, 09:40
I can confirm, along with the people above me, that panic attacks can sometimes change in their manifestations over time. It catches me offguard too, I've been dealing with panic attacks for the past 20 years (I'm 33). The "usual suspects" are easier to dismiss as "oh, it's panic again", but sometimes new ones arise. I sometimes find myself checking panic attack symptoms on wikipedia and such to reassure myself that it can fall in the panic attack category.

I actually thought of a theory a while back when it first happened. Whatever the usual symptoms are, maybe the mechanism that brings on a panic attack is "aware" that we've come somewhat, or totally, accustomed to them. That same mechanism, which maybe wants us to FOCUS on these symptoms even more, maybe to avoid dealing with something else subconsiously, like emotions or whatever, maybe evolves according to how we perceive them. Again, I must emphasize that this is just a theory of mine, and by evolves, I don't mean that it could reach a point where ALL symptoms occur, but maybe new ones or old forgotten ones pop up here and there. Also, from my experience, those "new symptoms" don't always show up after that episode, sometimes rarely too.