View Full Version : Kidneys?

25-02-07, 20:57
I have a really bad pain in my right hand rear flank and after googling (I know, I know!!), I'm wondering if it could be linked to my kidneys? I've had it for nearly a week now and intend to go to doctors if still there by the end of this week but as you can imagine, am thinking the worse. Anyone out there had any experience of this? Could it be kidney stones or indicative of something more sinister? Would be grateful for any replies

Kay x

26-02-07, 04:41
Possibly kidney stones, but these cause such severe pain I don't think you'd be hanging around to see if it goes away! I am a radiographer, and I regularly see people with kidney stones, they are in terrible pain! More sinister things don't generally cause pain as a first symptom. All sorts of other possibilities which your doc will go through with you, but in the meantime, don't be overly concerned (easier said than done).

26-02-07, 16:02
Thanks cattt. Am off to the doctors in an hour or so. Pain has got a lot worse!! Will let you know what it is/isn't later on.


26-02-07, 17:56
Blood in urine. Dr. thinks it's stones but have to wait three weeks for ultra sound!! Good old British NHS. Flipping hell it hurts!
