View Full Version : really frightened

sunflower lady
21-01-16, 19:48
PLEASE could someone advise? Have been having symptoms of a urine infection this week and started antibiotics on Tues evening. Results came back today which say no infection!
Pleased about result but I bought some urine test strips which show white blood cells of +70! Googled (oops) and it says this can mean a serious infection. Doctor doesn't seem at all concerned, he didn't even answer my questions as to why I was still sore (we spoke on the telephone) Could my past infections have irritated my bladder?
I'm so frightened as I already have M.E and my family are tired of my health anxieties.
Would love to see a doctor privately but can't afford it. Could the white cells be raised for any other reason? Any help would be so much appreciated!!:weep:

21-01-16, 21:01

I've had a few UTI's myself (sadly) and you can have symptoms of a UTI and a negative urine test but STILL actually have a UTI.

Don't pay much heed to the urine test. All a positive test means is that it has picked up a certain amount of bacteria, that's all. If it falls under the limit of that amount, they call it negative, but that does not mean you do not have infection present. The fact that you are having symptoms contradicts the test, which is reason enough to treat you with antibiotics, and see how your symptoms go from there.

Your white cells WILL be high. This just indicates infection, but again, the figures should not be focused on as the fact is you are being treated with antibiotics, so that should get it sorted.

Bear in mind that a stubborn urine infection can take more than one course, and sometimes a change of antibiotics.

The white cells fit the pattern of your symptoms. Logically, what are the chances that they mean something totally different and are not related to your infection? I would say slim to none.

Try not to worry. The antibiotics should sort things out for you. If not, see your GP again. x:hugs:

sunflower lady
22-01-16, 09:15
Thankyou so much Debs71! I wish I could give you a big hug! You've really helped me with your explanation. Every blessing to you.:bighug1:

Don't know how I would cope without No More Panic!:yesyes::yesyes::yesyes:

25-01-16, 22:38
I have cloudy wee and wbc in there, and no infection!! I am baffled.

sunflower lady
26-01-16, 14:43
How are you today pepperpot? I'm still a bit sore but hoping it settles. Pharmacist said you can sometimes have inflammation after an infection. Hope you are feeling better soon.

27-01-16, 20:14
I have been to see the gyneaocologist today, and my wee had wbc in (which I told her about anyway), and also red ones (which I think was my period). She said wbc are of no interest - it is red ones that will get investigated x

28-01-16, 01:02
Funnily enough after my previous post, I have yesterday been diagnosed with a UTI once again!!! (sigh)

I hade been having low pelvic pain since last Tuesday and pains in my right side but just put it down to IBS, but I couldn't get rid of it. I have some dipsticks for urinalysis here at home, and all I found was....yep......good old high leukocytes (WBC's) I would have been interested to see what a proper microbiological urine test would have thrown up, but I am guessing not much.

This confused me as I had no blood, no protein - the things you would expect to find, but I saw my GP anyway.

She said that you CAN only have WBC's and have NOTHING else in the urinalysis. White cells alone are a sign of an infection somewhere in the urinary tract, be it bladder or kidneys. I'm now on Trimethoprim which I hope will sort things out.

sunflower and Pepper - I hope things get better for you both soon.xx:hugs:

sunflower lady
16-02-16, 14:37
Thanks to everyone who replied to me. I am ok now, so relieved! Debs71, I hope you are feeling a lot better now. much love xx:hugs: