View Full Version : Hi Im Devin Baker

22-01-16, 03:41
Hi my name is devin baker. I just turned 21 and have now been suffering from severe anxiety the past 2 years. I had a ton of symptoms including racing heart, body twitches, numbness in limbs, and just feeling plain weird is the best way I can explain it. most recently I have started suffering from strange visual symptoms including flashing lights, after images, visual snow , floaters , TV like static, starburst off lights and eye pain. I have been to the eye doctor multiple times now it and nothing seems to change. he always says I have perfect retinas and my eye sight is 20/20. this eye symptoms and really bothering me to the point were I cant go to school, work and preform simple task. '''''CAN SOMEONE PLEASE GIVE AND ANSWER OR SOME ADVICE THAT HAS HAD SIMILAR PROBLEMS.'''??? THANKS

22-01-16, 03:46
Hiya Dbaker and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

22-01-16, 04:03
I will and thanks for the welcome

22-01-16, 04:07
Hello! I am about a week new as well! Just replied to your latest thread.. Go check it out!! :D

22-01-16, 04:13
hi and thanks for the support I haven't read the article yet but I'm sure it will be very helpful thanks ALOT

25-01-16, 09:42
Hello! I have been having similar symptoms as yours! I've had visual snow before and I know for a fact that is anxiety related. Actually, I think all your symptoms are, especially since you've had your eyes checked!! You could also be having what (I think) is called an ocular migraine. Try ignoring these symptoms as best you can. Go out with friends, play a game or do something else to distract yourself and see if your visual disturbances go away or fade with time:) if not, you could always check in with your gp, who may even give you medicine for your anxiety, if it's that bad. Good luck!

25-01-16, 15:06
thanks turbo for the advice its always good to know I'm not the only one