View Full Version : Another crappy night of suffering

22-01-16, 06:23
I'm so scared out of my mind. It happend to me again. I went to sleep chilly, covered in a blanket, then I fell asleep on an hour later I wake up sweaty, hot and nauseous. I am literally freaking the heck out. I have no idea why I'm cold all day and at night when I'm sleeping I get hot. Doctor said my white blood cell count is low. I'm terrified and scared . I have nobody to support me , I feel so alone in the world. I am too scared to go back to sleep.

22-01-16, 07:04
Did the doctor give you any explanation for your low white blood count and what it means?

Sounds like you are in a bit of a state. Not fun is it? I had a patch of hot sweats and then being freezing cold a while back when my anxiety started but it seems to have settled. It really could be anxiety related or, this may be a silly question, but if you are female and over 40 could the sweats be menopausal symptoms?

22-01-16, 07:09
The doctor said not to worry about the low white blood cell count, he said we can re check it in 2 weeks.

How can I not worry? I'm terrified out of my mind. I am literally forcing myself to stay awake because I'm too scared to get another night sweat. If I get another night sweat I don't know how I will take it.

I am so tired but I'm forcing myself to stay awake.

In only 28, I'm breast feeding . I don't have much appetite I don't drink much water, I was in antibiotics for a week or two off and on.

My family doesn't talk to me anymore they are never there for me, they ignore my calls and texts and they don't wanna deal with me. I hate not having anyone there for me, I'm so alone. I hate this so much . I wish I had a good person there with me .

22-01-16, 08:05
Stressed - if your doctor has said not to worry about the low white cell count, then try not to - if there was a problem (and there obviously isn't), then he would have told you.

You are obviously very, very anxious and this is taking its toll on you and your body. Depriving the body of sleep is a well known form of torture - it is VITAL that your body gets some rest, and it is vital that your body gets some nutrition, especially as you are breastfeeding.

When I have little or no sleep, I find it extremely hard to get warm and spend the whole day shivering and trembling; I tense up and then find my body starts to ache. If you are tired then you must get to bed and get some sleep. When you are rested it is much easier to function and that includes doing your very best to eat something.

There are lots of people on this site who will support you, and I suspect that all of them would suggest you do your very best to get some sleep. The night sweats are all part of anxiety - and yes, they are horrible, and I know because I have had to most awful night sweats. The night sweats won't hurt you - I promise, but lack of sleep will.

I note that you are in the US and are online at the moment. Please, go and see if you can get some sleep.

22-01-16, 09:01
What Sandie says is all very true and helpful.

REST is so important! I had a patch of not sleeping more than a couple of hours a night and was up pacing and freaking out the rest of the time. Now I'm still not sleeping great but one thing I have managed to achieve is to not stress about the sleep and just allow myself to at least rest.

When I was having no sleep at all I was also struggling during the day with shivering and feeling cold, then I'd go to bed and take ages to warm up and, of course, ultimately I had too many covers on and would wake up super hot. Being tired and underfed will play havoc with your body thermometer so please try to rest and make sure you eat and drink, even just a little.

And keep reminding yourself of what the Dr said - DO NOT WORRY ABOUT THE BLOOD COUNT!

22-01-16, 10:08
After I had my second daughter and breastfed I used to have hot sweats in the night, to the point I had a sweat shadow! Gross, I was quite worried too but it is quite common apparently its just your body witholds too much water during pregnancy and after and needs to sweat it out.

I think if it was an infection you wouldnt cool during the day and the likelyhood is it is hormonal related.

I suffered for months with this but that was years ago and I am here fit as a fiddle :) xxxxx

22-01-16, 12:39

It's always hard to see someone suffering so greatly to the point of not being able to process advice, reassurance or help themselves. You've had a couple of life changing experiences in the last 6 months from a divorce to the baby to what in all respects is crippling anxiety as has been documented here.

You say there's no one to help but there are social services and places you can call to at least get a caring human being on the other end of the line. All states and larger cities have mental health hotlines (that's something you should Google) and SAMHASA www.samhsa.gov can refer you to someone. You may also qualify for insurance, benefits and/or mental health help at no or very little cost to you based on your situation. I suggested you call but it appears you're in a such a spiral you can't even bring yourself to do so. You're crying out for help on the forum but these are only words. You have to act on your own behalf to help yourself.

Give it a shot. You really have nothing to lose and everything to gain if they can help.

Positive thoughts