View Full Version : Convinced i have breast cancer

22-01-16, 10:41
I'm back once again worried that in being fobbed off and having to wait so long for this breast clinic appointmen . The pain in my breast is sore now even if my arm brushes against it. Im so scared that its cancer. I have a young daughter which is making me worse as I keep thinking I'm going to leave her without a mum. I'm going back to my gp on Monday to see if she can rush my breast clinic appointment.

22-01-16, 11:14
Most I know never had pain with breast cancer. I know it's difficult but it is probably something benign fuelled by anxiety. Big hugs xx

22-01-16, 13:12
Far as I know, pain isn't really associated with BC, at least not commonly. I'm right there with you, BC is my biggest fear right now as I found 2 little dimples in my breasts. I'm pretty sure it's from a stretch mark but from everything I read online it says dimpling is a bad sign. My appointment isn't for 3 weeks. Feel free to PM me.

Gary A
22-01-16, 13:25
Cancers generally don't cause pain. You'll often read medical advice on how to do a proper breast exam, and what does it always tell you to look for? "Painless" lumps. Pain caused by cancer is surprisingly rare, and it's usually always because of the tumour putting pressure on a nerve or some other structure.

There really is an absolute multitude of things that can cause pain in this area, breast cancer is way way way down at the bottom of that list.

23-01-16, 11:35
The thing is I've done the worst thing and googled and a lot of people did have pain with their breast cancer. I'm so terrified. I'm hoping my gp will get me a sooner breast clinic appointmen . All they keep saying is because I had an ultrasound December 2014 the chance of cancer is unlikely but I don't see that being fair to postpone my appointment

23-01-16, 22:35
As a scientist I can tell you that ultrasound is a very sensitive technique. If you had an ultrasound in December and the doctors said its okay, it is okay. Stop worrying, trust the doctors. Get help for the health anxiety.
you can get breast pain if you have stiff muscles in your upper back which refer pain to the breasts. Poor posture can do it too. If you are hunched up with stress this can cause toght neck and shoulders and referred breast pain.

23-01-16, 22:46
I was just thinking of you earlier hun, thought you must have been doing OK. Sorry to hear this is still troubling you and causing you upset.
I must say, cerridwen response is brilliant, I hope it gives you some reassurance.
Go back on holiday if you can, even a weekend away, I remember you saying the pain wasn't as noticeable when you were away.

24-01-16, 06:53
The ultrasound I had wasn't December it was last December so 13 months ago. That's why I'm so worried. I am having a really bad time at the moment. The fear is making me cry so much. I'm hoping when I see my gp tomorrow I'll feel a bit better.

24-01-16, 09:39
I can imagine how scary it must be for you but you've had this pain for months (just seen a 'similar thread' at the bottom of this page you wrote a few months ago). If it was breast cancer (which I've been told doesn't present with pain and a relative was diagnosed with it December 14 and had no pain) then you'd have other symptoms now. Incidentally I get a sharp pain in my left breast, not everyday but here and there, it does still scare me but I have no lumps and was told breast cancer doesn't cause pain (the one that does is usually visually obvious before you get the pain).
I read a previous post of yours where you say one breast is bigger and more lumpy that is exactly me and I was told my larger one was more hormonal. When I'm due my larger one is very painful and feels like an anchor.

24-01-16, 11:58
I am sorry for misinterpreting your post, Jessicasmummy, that's not very nice of me and I apologise. I am not trying to belittle your pain because I have been there too (actually I still am there; I am still going through a heightened, breast cancer-fuelled HA at the moment). What I can tell you is that breast pain is rarely the first sign of cancer, if at all. My mum had pain with her breast cancer but that was four years after she got her first absolutely text book symptom and decided not to see the doctor to get a referral. Her cancer was only diagnosed when she became generally unwell three years later, aged 73. The irony is she had a relatively easily treatable cancer but she chose not to tell anyone about it. I still haven't come to terms with that.
I can see that you are scared and anxious (I am still too terrified to see the GP about my fear I have breast cancer and have no symptoms of breast cancer but still think I have it) but will pluck up the courage after I return from holiday in a week's time. Can't go on like this any more. All I can say is you are doing absolutely the right thing going back to the GP. You are very brave and courageous. I just wish I could take my own advice! One week's time.....
You aren't alone. There are a lot of us on here (and out there) who are scared of cancer. There is a lot of hysterical stuff in the media about breast cancer too, so it's not surprising, is it, that we are scared?
I am getting a hot sweat and palpitations just thinking about it........

The ultrasound I had wasn't December it was last December so 13 months ago. That's why I'm so worried. I am having a really bad time at the moment. The fear is making me cry so much. I'm hoping when I see my gp tomorrow I'll feel a bit better.

25-01-16, 20:57
Well I attendes my gp today who said breast cancer is painless which isn't true as I've read people who have had pain! Anyway she done an exam and said everything feels normal but contacted the breast clinic who said I'll be seen in February. I don't seem to be any more at ease for some reason considering she had a feel about

25-01-16, 22:59
That is great news! Please focus on that until your appointment. *hugs*

26-01-16, 21:00
Well tonight after being OK but still on lots of pain (I am due on my period this week so I hope that's why its really sore) I got a call from a number which was the hospital but I missed it and they don't take incoming calls so I'm back to being worried. Why are the calling me so soon when the go said I'm OK?!

26-01-16, 21:06
If the GP has done the referral already then the hospital will be phoning with an available appt for you.. Don't worry about it being so quick. It's how it works sometimes.. I'm a medical administrator in a GP surgery so deal with stuff like that xx

26-01-16, 21:22
I think its because I was only there yesterday and I've had a phone call already. I've got it in my head that my gp does think it's cancer but she wouldn't say to me

26-01-16, 21:30
I had that very argument with a GP 4 years ago.. he said that he thought I had a cyst and when I questioned him, he said "Lisa, I do NOT bullshit".. I appreciated his honesty! He was right, I had cysts which came about from hormone changes after a miscarriage 2 months earlier.

Sometimes the referrals come through really quickly. My ENT took 2 days. It depends how "on the ball" your administrators are! x

26-01-16, 22:12
Its just to make your appointment. :hugs:

27-01-16, 10:46
Did you manage to get through and make an appt, Jessicasmummy? xx

27-01-16, 13:02
No the number they called from don't accept incoming calls and when I called the breast clinic last night the lady said she hasn't rang anyone

29-01-16, 14:00
So today every time I bend over I get a pain. This worry is sending me over to edge

29-01-16, 15:49
Have you managed to sort your appt? xx

29-01-16, 16:39
No they said I'd be appointed in February

06-02-16, 17:53
Hi guys well I've been really good for the past week or so not worried at all and no pain ��. But then the breast clinic called and I went back into a depression! They had an appointment for Friday to see if I wanted it but I had to work so they said I'll be waiting another couple of weeks. The pain is still there slightly if I press the area but even holding my daughter tonight I had no pain I could have cried with happiness

10-02-16, 22:17
Hello lovely!
How are you holding up? I'm in a similar boat to you, ive had some breast and nipple pain for about 5 weeks now. I went to my gp last Monday and she did a thorough exam - couldn't feel anything. So that's positive but I'm still worrying. Trying to take every day as it comes.
My gp did mention that badly fitting bras can cause pain, and to try evening primrose oil. Haven't got around to getting any yet, but will do over the weekend.

11-02-16, 00:42
Randomly out of nowhere 3 years ago I developed breast pain in my right breast. It wasnt the usual sore PMT breasts I usually get so I decided to do a breast exam and boom, there it was in my right breast a hard sore mass. I freaked obviously and went right to my GP in a state.

She examined me and agreed, yes she can feel a mass but asked questions about my cycle. She said she knew it would be hard, but could I wait and come back to see her in 2 weeks time. I did.

She examined me again and low and behold the mass had gone down and the pain was gone. She said it was likely an inflammed milk duct or gland in my breast and it can happen randomly and now that it HAD happened, likely would every month from then on.

She wasnt wrong! Every month now I get it and it does make me anxious but she also assured me that breast cancer doesnt usually hurt so the fact my breast is sore every month when the lump appears is actually a reassuring sign.