View Full Version : Emetophobia

22-01-16, 13:15
Hello All

For around a year I have suffered from debilitating digestive issues.

Having been referred to, evaluated by, and discharged from the gastroenterology department at my local hospital, I have (gratefully and conversely grudgingly) accepted that my symptoms, whilst very real, are caused by psychological factors, specifically my lifelong fear of vomiting. I haven't been sick in over 20 years, however immediately prior to the onset of my symptoms I nearly was. Does anyone have any similar experiences? Were you treated successfully (I'm currently engaged in treatment with a counsellor and a hypnotherapist) or did your malaise vanish as mysteriously as it appeared?

Any information would be very much appreciated. Feeling nauseous constantly whilst at the same time being terrified of vomiting is not conductive to carefree living!

Thank you folks.

22-01-16, 18:29
Take a look at the "Anxiety causing eating disorder" thread on this board. Lots of useful information in that thread.