View Full Version : Really in a bad place with my HA

22-01-16, 21:08
I'm in such a bad place with my health anxiety at the moment. My mental worries are turning into physical illnesses. I feel sick, tired, and you know when you have a horrible feeling of dread and sadness that you can't describe, like you can't even mentally think what it is you're feeling?

Everyday my brain finds a new health worry. Today my leg muscle has been twitching and I'm just totally pre occupied with that as well as a lump in my ear which is probably just a cyst but could be cancer because ... You know... :(

Sorry I didn't know where to post this I just felt like letting it out because I'm in such a bad place mentally. I finally booked a doctors appointment as I just never go (haven't been in 2 years). I don't know where to begin as I've never described my health anxiety to anyone before except here and to my boyfriend. I'm worried he will not think its a big deal or something. But it really does affect my life and I'm seriously worried I'm beginning to have a breakdown and my mind can't cope with this constant stress anymore.

If anyone can relate and has tips or advice or how I can put it across to my doctor in a way that will make him understand how bad it is for me without sounding so over the top I would massively appreciate it.
I hate health anxiety :'(

22-01-16, 22:18
I can definitely relate at the moment. I have a lump behind my right ear, and despite seeing my own GP (who said it was a cyst after examining my neck, chin, mouth and ears) and also two GPs I work with who didn't see it as much of a concern, I still can't put it completely out of my mind and oddly can't take this as closure.

Although I'm still struggling I'm just trying to get by hour-by-hour, talking myself down when I get to the point of full-blown panic. Staying away from Google and going through things rationally helps. I know that with previous HA, my mind needs to go elsewhere and I'll gradually forget about the thing I've been obsessing about and you might be the same.

I guess the best thing to do is try to put it out of your mind, or if not, don't immediately jump to the worse case scenario. It's more likely to be something like a cyst than anything terrible.

22-01-16, 22:41
I know how you feel, I feel like you too. Just am so confused all the time, don't know why I am feeling like this. I hate this. I feel cold all the time, everyone else feels hot. it sucks. I hate this so much I am so terrified theres something wrong with me.

22-01-16, 23:08
I know how you feel too. Sadly l have no tips. Just know you are not alone

22-01-16, 23:52
Hi So! I have lived with HA for many many years. I am SO proud of you for actually making an appointment to have your fears checked out. Level-headedly explain your fears with your GP. There is a great chance they will handle you with care and be very explanative of your symptoms. How I began combatting it was to make an appointment, have complete blood work, and talk with my GP. Something at one time I was terrified to do. Check out my diary on being on Ecitalopram. My latest post talks about facing my fears and HA. I am also a recovering pharmacaphobic as well. Whew, it is hard when what we need is what we fear the most! Hugs to you! You aren't crazy.. I've been where you are. We that have anxiety may need more naps during the day and more activities to distract us. We wear ourselves out so feeling weakness and fatigue is sometimes normal! :) Hugs!

23-01-16, 04:11
Yeah, I can completely relate to that. I feel cold, others feel fine/warm. Palpitations, back pain, chest pain, I am really confused if: my body symptoms made anxiety, or anxiety made my body symptoms.