View Full Version : Slightly worried about my mom

23-01-16, 00:48
So I'm getting slightly worried about mom. She's been coughing in the last few days, started dry but is now getting more phlegmy. She also hit her elbow on a doorknob and she has a big bad bruise. She's on heart medication that can cause easy bruising apparently. OF COURSE I'm thinking something bad like leukemia or some other bad illness.
As my parents gets older the more and more I get my HA about their stuff too.

Gary A
23-01-16, 00:53
Sounds like your mother has a cold and a bruise from hitting her elbow. Theres absolutely no reason whatsoever to think anything else of it. :shrug:

23-01-16, 10:13
I have a relative on meds that bruises ridiculously easy. I also had 'suspicious' (in my opinion) bruising earlier last year (I still do but have to get on with it) and was terrified of Leukemia and I was told that bruising isn't usually the first sign of leukemia. I had loads of small ones on my legs and still get them all the time. No idea what causes them but it's not leukemia as I requested a blood test and was normal.