View Full Version : constant discomfort under chest?

23-01-16, 03:43

hello everyone, this is my 1st post here so i hope this is the right place for this msg. but anyway, some history... i went on antibiotics in november for a month for uti. my anxiety became horrible during this period. december i went to primary care for chest pain only to be told it was gastritis. was on ppis for a month. went off them and pain was still there but felt worse. in january i went to the er because i thought i was having a heart attack. had ekgs blood test x ray and everything came back fine. doctors said it was anxiety gave me ativan. next week was hell, had constant panic attacks.

this week the anxiety lessened but i woke up with chest squeezing in heart area went to er again. before i went i had a horrible thought "if i go this time something horrible will happen and no one will believe me this time". its awful. feeling felt similar to my intuition feeling so of course i'm freaking out. wet to the er anyway trying to fight the thought and all tests came back normal other.

that night i began to have a weird feeling in chest... center and right side although now it has spread across entire chest and down to abdomen... it feels like something behind chest pushing and scratching and fuzzy and vibrating... very hard to describe but it is the worst feeling ever. i wouldn't wish this upon anyone. it gets worse with movement sometimes too. i'm fighting off a panic attack and trying not to call 911 now because i woke up and had the chest feeling go into abdomen (around ribs too). i keep thinking of that thought "something horrible will happen and no one will believe you" and my doctor saying "check with this us for every new symptom" even though she said my heart was healthy. i am a 22 year old male with a history of bad ocd and anxiety and depression.

does this sound like health anxiety? is it serious or have any of you experience a strange extremely uncomfortable feeling behind chest wall? should i see a 3rd doctor? i don't want to make health anxiety worse by going again and developing another symptom worse than this...

my family is fed up with me asking and my feelings are always telling me something is wrong. please help and thank you so much for reading this.

edit: 2nd doctor said i had a slight murmur but it was harmless, said i could see a heart doctor for ecg but assured me the results would be fine. right now i have arm weakness and difficult swallowing breathing along with cold sweaty feet which I'm guessing is anxiety but am freaking out over them. i take gaba l theanine a multivitamin b12 and zinc supplements and omega 3. i took gaba during this panic attack and the chest pain has lessened but it still there with arms feeling tired etc. starting too think its anxiety but even typing this my brain is telling me "you're making it up something will actually happen" and typing this makes me feel crazy lol

my panic gets worse when i wake up and when i eat (which i just did) these breathing and arm weakness feelings have been going for 30 minutes now. i've also been getting weird problems with vision, dizziness, feel like i'm going to pass out, wanting to cry, etc. are these anxiety symptoms since i've seen a doctor twice now. i just want to know that i'm okay today because this is getting in the way of every day life (afraid to take shower if i have attack or horrible pain... walking around... socializing... etc. i have so many symptoms that i have that freak me out but everyone keeps telling me that i'm fine... i'm constantly scared and depressed

before my first panic attack i was googling chest pain and found the worst stuff i'm thinking thats what sent me into a panic attack also i've been googling a lot since november and i think that might have been making my symptoms worse but when i type it my brains like "but maybe its not and you're just saying this be cause you want to feel normal" its so scary

sorry for all of these updates as i'm a pretty scatterbrained person but now i'm beginning to think my abdomen pain earlier was hunger because now its feeling more normal although the chronic chest sensation is still there... thats pretty much the one thing I'm worried about other than intuition feelings. if there is anyone with these symptoms it would be great, the only support i have is my younger sibling who also has very bad ocd and anxiety so it makes this extremely difficult

Venus Calling
23-01-16, 13:03
I cried when I read your post because you sound just like me. I haven't been on this site for years because I thought I'd got over feeling like this but it crept back up on me just before Christmas and has just got worse because, like you I keep thinking about something else I feel and it just makes it all so much worse.

However, this morning I remembered something someone told me years ago and that was when you feel the panic coming on to sing... because you can't panic and sing at the same time and it does help so that is what I have been doing this morning and it has helped. Try to distract yourself in anyway you can so you forget about what you are feeling in your body. My chest is uncomfortable as I am writing this but it isn't anywhere as bad as it was half an hour ago. Go with the feelings and don't fight them - that's when they get worse - just let them wash over you and it will go sooner that if you give in and panic.

Hang on in there - we will be okay! :hugs: