View Full Version : Hello, I'm new, please help??

23-01-16, 08:14
Hi all, I'm completely new to this site, and I've just signed up because I fear my health anxiety is completely taking over my life. Let me start off simple, about a month ago, I started my biggest health anxiety kick EVER. Every day seems to be something different, and I'm afraid it's all related in one big thing... This is going to be a long post, so please stick with me...

It started with me fainting for the first time in my life. I saw blood, however it scared me and I think this is what set me off. Then it was facial tingling, it's generally on the right side of my face, the cheek area, and tends to get worse the more I think about it. Sometimes it's just a little tickling feeling, like a hair brushing my skin, other times it's close to pins and needles but without the sharp pains of that. What am I afraid of? MS.

Then it was my shoulder, I think I've injured it from sleeping on it somehow, and for the past 2 weeks it has been making my entire arm feel weak and uncoordinated. I know it's not a stroke or anything because it's been going on for a while with no changes -- it gets better when I rest my arm and worse when I sleep on it. What am I afraid of? MS.

Then I was obsessed over my eyes, I've been afraid that one eye could suddenly see better than the other, I stared worrying about after images (you know, looking at a bright light then looking away and seeing the spot). I'm afraid that I see them for much longer than normal, but I can't tell if it's simply because I'm focused on them or not. I also have eye strain because I need my prescription fixed, and occasionally see little spots (pin point) that last for a second then disappear. What am I afraid of? MS, retinal detachment, God knows what else...

And then, my legs/feet. I had a ghost feeling that my legs were suddenly heavier than normal. I developed a prickling, tingling sensation in my feet and calves, mainly my left leg and foot. This gets worse when I think about it and I can't feel it at all when I'm walking or moving around. My legs and knees also feel sore and stiff. What am I afraid of? MS, ALS, diabetes, peripheral neuropathy...

Now I'm afraid that my balance is off and that I'm feeling dizzy. When I say these things, I mean them lightly... When I think about it, I have no trouble walking (but it seems when I focus on it I tend to lean one way or another). I am not physically dizzy, I don't feel like I'm moving or that the world around me is, it's more of a disorientated sensation, like my eyes are shifting back and forth just barely, sort of like things are vibrating. i tried standing on one leg and closing my eyes -- THIS IS DIFFICULT. Is that normal? What am I afraid of? MS, ALS, brain tumor, Minerres Disease (is that how it's spelled?). This is made worse by the fact that for the past 3 days I have had random muscle fascaulations all over my body. Feet, legs, arms, back, stomach, face, you name it. They don't hurt and it's not causing my limbs to jerk or anything. It's just irritating and disconcerting :(

Anyway, it seems all my symptoms come and go with no rhyme or reason, one day it's one thing then it switches to another. I have major anxiety problems but it's never been this bad. I haven't seen a doctor since I was 8, and now I'm terrified to go because I'm afraid they'll tell me I'm sick :( I've convinced myself that now my memory is worse, and on top of it all my whole body is sore -- legs, neck, back, and just from getting no sleep at night and being so tense during the day. I am only 16 years old and terrified for my life. I know rationally something isn't wrong but as I sit here typing, my feet pricking and my face having been tingly earlier, I'm so afraid of something like MS or a tumor. Please help me, can this all be chalked up to anxiety? Sometimes these things happen even when I don't feel anxious. When should I really be worried? Thanks in advance, and sorry for the long post!

24-01-16, 21:04
Go to the doctors and get checked...peace of mind.

It all sounds like classic anxiety to me. ;)

24-01-16, 21:38
Yes go to the doctor first--then look into anxiety. That is the protocol most of us would either suggest or have followed. You never would want to chalk it up to anxiety without knowing full out that there isn't an illness that is contributing to your symptoms--but don't let that fret you. Go get everything checked out, as scary as it may be, and then check into the different ways of coping with the anxiety. There are many routes to healing and everyone here can probably attest to all of them. Keep us updated on your condition! My symptoms are visual, dizziness, dry mouth, diarrhea, crazy bad weakness. Then I go to the doctor and everything checks out fine. I see a psychiatrist and he gets me on meds that help tremendously. I am currently working up onto an SSRI and also get help with valium for my crazy moments. keep us posted. hugs to you! we feel your pain!

---------- Post added at 21:38 ---------- Previous post was at 21:32 ----------

And I did the SAME thing!!! I hadn't been to the doctor in forever cause I had so much fear that I was so sick... And with all the symptoms I had everything came back clear. I am sick--in the head. My chemicals are off and I am off balanced. I am working now with this medication to get my chemicals back where they need to be. Hugs to you--everything will be okay!:hugs: