View Full Version : Catastrophising

23-01-16, 11:47
I feel like I'm running on a time bomb. I feel i have to grab onto everything I can right now. I want to let myself enjoy life and let go of this. My de realisation heightens my intrusive thoughts as I feel further from myself and reality so do t feel connected and feel my worst fears are more likely to happen. I hate feeling so unsure and untrusting of myself. I just don't want to spend my life in such states or dipping into such States and feel is be better off not here rather than seeing this get worse

23-01-16, 12:10
Hi elik

I'm sorry your anxiety is impacting upon you so severely.

I can certainly relate. I catastrophise incessantly. Which is perplexing and frustrating as not a single one of my worst fears has even been realised. I once read that there are two fundamental approaches to managing catastrophic thoughts. Either reduce the probability of the fear becoming reality or increase one's capacity to deal with it should the worst happen. I was violently assaulted years ago. I was quite traumatised for some time afterwards. It happened outside a pub when I was too drunk to defend myself. My coping strategies have been to stop drinking (whole other story) and to bulk myself up with weights in the hope that 1) it will deter potential assailants to pass me by and 2) in the unlikely event I am attacked, I will be able to take care of myself more effectively.

Sorry to launch into a full-blown tale about me! I'm not sure if anything I've said resonates with you. Irrespective, I hope you find some respite very soon because catastrophising is distressing and exhausting.