View Full Version : Headaches/Shaking Vision...Scared!!! Please Help!!

23-01-16, 16:56
Hi Everyone,

I posted back in December about my headaches. I have been having daily headaches for about two months now. I had a terrible breakdown over the Christmas holiday with this brain tumor fear. Completely ruined my holidays. Anyway, my headaches HAVE improved since my anxiety came down about 50 notches....or maybe my anxiety improved because my headaches improved. Not sure. I do have headache free days now but I still have more headache days than not. I also have intermittent shaking vision. It just shakes left and right for a second. I can't make it happen and can't figure out a link to when it happens except that I did notice that often I have just clanged my teeth together, took a big bite of something hard, or bit my nail. But I can't MAKE it happen by doing it again. This is starting to scare me also but it hasn't progressed either. It's so intermittent but happens throughout the day.

I had my follow up with my GP on Wednesday and they scheduled an MRI for this upcoming Tuesday. He says he's sure it will be clean since I have no other symptoms of a brain tumor and it's not progressing but rather improving. But he scheduled it just to help me feel better and maybe eradicate the headaches altogether (if it's stress-related).

Now since they scheduled the MRI, my anxiety is climbing again. I'm almost tempted to cancel it because I'm so scared and so convinced he's going to come into the room on Wednesday (he scheduled a next day follow up) and tell me he's sorry he was wrong and I was right and that it IS a brain tumor (I actually had a nightmare about this a week ago and convinced myself that it was a "sign").

On a side note, I've been having side pain for almost 2 weeks near my kidney that I thought was a UTI but after a 7 day round of Bactrum (called in, not tested), I had no improvement in the pain. When the doctor saw me on Wednesday he gave me a script for Macrobid to try for 5 days. They dipped my urine but it was negative but also very diluted because I've been drinking a lot of water. I will know more when the culture comes back from the lab. I HAVE had some improvement since I started he macrobid so I'll be shocked if they say my culture is negative in the lab as well. Anyway, I'm scared about this too and getting very exhausted by it!

I worry at times...what if it's kidney cancer and it spread to my brain and that's what is really going on here?! I'm crying just typing this. I'm going to start seeing a therapist and CBT soon but for now, until Wednesday, I'm going to be a nervous mess. Thanks for listening. Any words of encouragement are greatly appreciated!

---------- Post added at 11:56 ---------- Previous post was at 11:48 ----------

Oh I wanted to add, I'm not sure if I said this in my December post, that I had an ectopic pregnancy in March and needed emergency surgery. Prior to this, I had diagnosed myself with the ectopic based on my symptoms and no one would listen to me. Not my husband, family, friends, or Doctor. In fact, my doctor had the internal ultrasound wand inside of me (not finding a pregnancy in the uterus) and I asked him to look at my tube and he said no because it was probably just "too early". I landed back in the office the very next morning for a complete ultrasound and official diagnosis of the 7 week ectopic. It had a heart beat and everything. I think this episode has only increased my HA because it was a situation where I diagnosed myself, was correct, and no one listened to me or believed me. It almost burst and had I not advocated for myself, well god knows where I'd be. My husband tells me that just because I was right about the ectopic doesn't mean I am right about this. I really hope he's right. I'm so sick of this. I know it's almost over soon with the MRI next week and I'll know either way but it's driving me insane!!!

24-01-16, 18:23
Anyone? Has anyone ever had chronic daily headaches and had a clean MRI? Vibrating/shaking vision? Has anyone ever gotten super anxious before their MRI?

25-01-16, 12:01
So what was the outcome? You should have had your MRI and follow up by now? Are you feeling better? What about the culture for your UTI?

25-01-16, 19:03
I have the MRI tomorrow and follow up on Wednesday. They also still haven't called about my urine culture. I just had a dizzy spell so now I'm terrified it's surely a brain tumor!!

---------- Post added at 14:03 ---------- Previous post was at 11:07 ----------

They called and said my urine culture was negative. I told them that my side pain has almost entirely subsided since they gave me the macrobid and they said "Huh, that's interesting." Sigh. Still shaking like a leaf over this MRI tomorrow!

25-01-16, 19:40
It'll be fine Girlrock :)

25-01-16, 20:32
First post but I have a constant headache for about a month now and my MRI cane back clear.

25-01-16, 20:38
I myself can't tell if my anxiety is causing my symptoms or if my symptoms are causing my anxiety, and for us who suffer anxiety disorders (mainly health) then that's a difficult question to answer anyway so I try to avoid it all together. Do not cancel your MRI, if you do have something (which you probably don't since your doctor agrees) then at least you can catch it now before it progresses worse, but again you more than likely don't, you was correct once, doesn't mean you will be all the time.

Have your eyes checked, your ears checked, get the MRI, if all's clear then consider it's down to stress. From your post content you do seem rather stressed. Tension headaches tend to appear around the front of the head and cause some dizziness.

25-01-16, 20:42
Yep my tension headaches are pretty much 24/7 and I'm sure they are sticking around because I keep thinking about them. Doesn't help they make me dizzy and are made worse moving around.

26-01-16, 14:39
I'm so scared but I know it will all be over soon. I'm hoping that if the MRI is clean, a lot of my stress and anxiety will calm down. That's why I was insistent on it. It's just hard now that the day is here. I am imagining the techs in the room looking at my scans and seeing my tumor and saying "Awww she was right. She really does have a tumor. Poor thing." Ahhhhh! This is all I can think about!!! Then my follow up tomorrow I'm envisioning my doctor coming into the room saying "I can't believe this, but you were right, you do have a brain tumor." Ugh...a day and a half and it will be all over. Good or bad.

26-01-16, 16:36
I've been through EXACTLY what you are going through right now. Was waiting on a brain MRI just over a year ago and literally had the exact same thoughts you just described in your last post about the techs looking at it and saying that etc...

Honestly though, without an MRI, a GP can clearly see signs of something like a brain tumour. In TV shows and movies they usually show the person with a headache, and then discovering they have brain tumour but that's not really how it goes. There are MANY other symptoms you would be experiencing usually such as quite extreme ones like seizures, constant vomiting etc...

I've been where you are and I know it's tough but you're gonna be fine. I'm certain of it.

27-01-16, 00:46
Thank you for all of your replies! They gave me a lot of comfort today. I just got home from the MRI and it was over quicker than it was supposed to be. The tech said we were "breezing right through it" and that sometimes other people take longer with different anatomy. So I'm taking this as a good sign and going to try to get some sleep tonight before the big doctor's appointment tomorrow afternoon! Thanks again everyone!

27-01-16, 01:28
Everything will be good!

28-01-16, 03:51
MRI was clean! Hoping the good results will help my headaches and I'll have less now. I also hope my anxiety will come down another 50 notches but you know...now it's on to worrying about the next thing. I start therapy soon. They are in the process of setting it up. Thanks again for all the encouragement!

28-01-16, 12:35
Glad you've not got a brain tumor :) Hope you start feeling better soon - make sure you follow up on the CBT.
