View Full Version : Bad start to the week - Can anybody help regarding mouth?

26-02-07, 08:13
Hello all,

I'm trying to come to turns with why my anxiety over the last 6 months has focused on my mouth.
I went to the dentist last week, got a lump in the cheek checked out, which I left 100% happy but late last night,
I go and find another lump, not by looking for it but when I was eating (removing food from bottom palette).

On my bottom set of teeth (inside), at the bottom of the plate (centre gum, under the middle teeth at the bottom, next to the gland) I can feel a big lump.
As always, this could of been there for days, weeks or months but I have never noticed it before.

I was wondering if people have this lump and could it be normal, the growth, bone or root of the teeth, which my wife is suggesting.

I had a check up on Friday, was wondering if the dentist would of checked all this kind of stuff.


26-02-07, 10:00
i get these lumps quite often which i worry about but usually when i floss they go after a while, have you tried this? its amazing what a piece of food stuck in your teeth can do! the dentist can see everything in your mouth they would have picked up if something was wrong this is why they advise appts every 6 months to detect problems early on.
sure everything will be fine

26-02-07, 18:16
A little white head has appeared, guess it's a ulcer


26-02-07, 21:23
Hi Red,

I have this exactly where you are describing it, i was really scared imagining the worst , mouth cancer etc, and went to the dentist.
Whilst getting my exam i mentioned this to him and he had a good look, and reassured me it was known as '' boney deposits'', seemingly very common and absoltely nothing to worry about . I hope this helps a bit and its not sinister but I can really sympathise with you as I know what this HA is like.

Take care

shirley xx

27-02-07, 00:46
Hi Red,

I have a large lump under where my molars start, and I guess this is a bony deposit as kittykat said. I first noticed mine when I had a mouth ulcer on it - the ulcer went but the lump stayed. Probably it's been there for years but I'd never noticed it before. Mine's a hard lump, feels HUGE (although doesn't look as big as it feels lol), and it's white-ish in the middle. I don't have one of the other side.

It's been over a year since I noticed it and it's not changed, and I regularly go to the dentist and they've never commented. So I guess it's nothing to worry about, and mostly I don't think about it - although sometimes when I've run out of things to worry about I focus on this again!

I'm sure you're fine; your dentist is looking at your whole mouth and would have picked up on any irregularities.

27-02-07, 19:43

It has been very painfull today when speaking, eating and drinking etc.

My wife looked and she is sure it is a very small ulcer causing the grief.

I'm booked in with the hygienist tomorrow morning for this clean and polish thing, so I'm going to hopefully mention it to her and hopefully put my mind at rest.

It does hurt like an ulcer and I'm hoping it is as I'm worried about mouth c?