View Full Version : Please help .

24-01-16, 11:01
I have struggled with health anxiety for years now and it has mostly been about heart. I get chest pain and weird chest sensations every day. I ended up in hospital Wednesday with chest pain and they did blood tests and ecg and everything was fine so sent me home.I do have a stress test on Tuesday which I'm nervous about. Anyway today I'm having chest pain and a pain in my right arm which is scaring me and I don't know what to do. I went to out of hours doctor yesterday because of a pressure feeling in chest and she said it just anxiety but I can't get my head around the fact that these chest pains are anxiety related I convince myself it heart. I can't get the thought that because my arm has pain aswell that this heart problem sign. I don't want to b scared all the time but I can't seem to control what I'm thinking every pain or ache is always worse case scenario. I had said it to my doctor before about right arm pain and she said that right arm pain is definitely not heart related and to put that thought out of my head. I've been told countless times my heart is fine but I don't believe it.

24-01-16, 11:12
If you've had tests and you're still paranoid that is just further proof that you are dealing with anxiety that can cause those symptoms. My anxiety is off and on in periods of months and even though it seems unbelievable when you are dealing with the anxiety, those times when I wasn't burdened by my anxiety my symptoms were gone. I had symptoms very similar to yours too, also got ECG done which came out fine

24-01-16, 11:17
Hi I went through a stage about my heart cause my mum had one kept going back to the dr an he says its was just anxiety ud get pain down ur left arm if it was ur heart try an relax keep ur mind busy an u will find the pains will ease as mine have

24-01-16, 11:27
Thank you for replying. I'm just so wrapped up in chest pain and thinking every pain or sensations is something sinister. It's draining on all levels. The chest pains are very hard to deal with every day and then add arm pain on top of it and my thoughts spiral . I'm struggling to cope with these pains all the time.

Gary A
24-01-16, 11:51
I last posted here around August this year, and you were saying the exact same things. Right arm pain is NOT a sign of heart problems. Tight pain radiating from your chest down your LEFT ARM may be caused by your heart, but not the right side.

There is absolutely no reason to believe this is heart related, you've had numerous tests, doctor visits and evaluations, all of which have thrown up nothing of note. If you keep telling yourself that every little niggle you feel is heart related, then you'll never have peace.

There is NOTHING WRONG with your heart. It really is as simple as that.

24-01-16, 12:02
Thanks. I'm on my second session of cbt so I'm hoping that as we progress with it I will be able to control this fear and thought surrounding heart.

24-01-16, 12:12
Hi again ella,

I am not sure there is much I can add here that I didn't say on your same thread about your heart worries a few days ago, but nothing you say you have indicates a heart issue.

You have had a lot of tests - ECG, bloods, d dimer, etc. If there was any problem SOMETHING would have shown up.

Your pain is caused by muscular tension, probably hyperventilation, the way you are holding yourself, etc....all of which relate to severe anxiety.

Have you tried a heat pad or a hot water bottle?

The key thing you need to address here is exactly WHY you don't believe medical professionals who are all saying nothing is wrong? At what point would you believe them? I am not sure any further tests would even achieve that, as anxiety is driving your extreme fear, and this is what needs serious action.

Please do continue with the CBT, but also if you find it is not helping retrain your thinking on this, I would strongly advise an urgent discussion with your doctor, as living in constant worry and tension is awful. xx

24-01-16, 17:18
Thanks for replying I will continue cbt cause I want this to stop now. I'm tired of being afraid every day and being afraid of chest pain and always always thinking worse case scenario it is draining me . I tell myself I'm ok but I don't believe it and keep thinking it heart related .x

25-01-16, 03:16
I am suffering from chest pains too and that includes my shoulder, upper back pain, mostly left region. It comes and goes, as a matter of fact it’s been 5 days since the last flare up, I don’t know when will be the next flare up(God, please no more chest pains please)