View Full Version : What Makes You Laugh?

24-01-16, 12:49
Hi Everyone

I'm sorry if this thread appears incongruous.

Throughout a frankly hellish few years, I'd like to think that I've retained some semblance of a sense of humour. I'd be interested to learn what makes others here laugh. For me it's comedy such as The Office, Peep Show, Modern Family and satire such as Have I Got News for You and The Thick of It. Even more so, a drunk friend on really good form makes me howl. And a girl who can make me laugh makes me melt.

How about you all?

24-01-16, 12:57
Shows such as Father Ted, Gimme Gimme Gimme, Burnistoun, Still Game, Rab C Nesbitt and stand up comedy like George Carlin, Lee Evans and Frankie Boyle.

25-01-16, 16:37
I like The Thick Of It , Green Wing, Trigger Happy TV, Bottom, League Of Gentlemen, Stand up like Jimmy Carr and Lee Mack any comedy that's a bit different makes me laugh.

25-01-16, 16:52
cognitive dissonance

25-01-16, 16:56
A sense of humour is how I get through most things - it's a coping mechanism & it seems to work. I love comedy. Huge fan of Russell Howard & Peter Kay but equally impressed with older stuff like Morecombe & Wise & The 2 Ronnies. Any man who doesn't mind making a fool of himself regardless of how silly he looks gets my vote. I have a very dry, sarcastic sense of humour which luckily most people get. xx

26-01-16, 00:22
Myself most of the time. I have gotten to where I can barley contain myself in public from laughing at some people. I guess it's a coping thing because I'm always anxious in town. Comedy that make me laugh is Roy D Mercer, Jeff Fox Worthy, and Rick&Bubba. Even back when I was a kid I loved cracking jokes and pranks but I can't get away with it like I use too.

27-01-16, 20:17
Only Fools and Horses makes me laugh.
My kids and their clever answers make me laugh.
I laugh quite a lot for someone riddled with anxiety lol x

27-01-16, 21:27
Dave Gorman, cat videos, my kids...my mother in law watching something funny.

27-01-16, 22:00
Arrested Development makes me laugh. They spend so long lining things up to get clever puns and situational comedy in. I like clever puns and silly jokes. I have a Twitter account but I mostly follow things that are either funny or cute. I find silly mistakes people have made on signs and things funny. Earlier I was in WHSmith and saw they'd put a load of adult rated DVDs on a stack under the heading "Great value kids' DVDs" including 50 Shades of Grey and that made me laugh.

There's a guy on Twitter called James Martin who uses the handle @Pundamentalism and he posts some funny ones, like "Been fired from my job at the pasta factory after a fusilli mistakes."

"I'd like a bowl of soup please."
"Any sides?"
"I hope so, or it'll go EVERYWHERE."

I like things that are silly, and sometimes dark. A couple of nights ago I was laughing because Death Cab For Cutie, the Postal Service and a bunch of other indie bands had their Facebook pages hacked and were posting all these stupid clickbait stories and people were competing as to who could post the best song-related puns in the comments section.

28-01-16, 23:31
Hearing my two boys laugh, they are in their rooms now watching something on youtube (yeah they should be asleep..what can I say BAD DAD lol) and howling their heads off.

Makes me glad that my situation doesn't affect them:)

28-01-16, 23:48
I laugh pretty easily. I feed off other people's happy moods and reflect joy back at them. (Not when I'm in a very bad place though!)

Barbra Streisand in films, Bette Midler. Oh goodness. I find it so hard to think of things that actually make me laugh. It's all fleeting moments for me. I don't hold on to what makes me laugh.

31-01-16, 18:46
I had to laugh on Saturday. I am laughing about it as I type this.
I went to what I call the big town. Hanley.
Terry on here will know it.
I had to sit down for a bit on a bench.
There was an elderly lady there too. She must have had her eyebrows tattooed.
They were gross. Black as club ten. I cannot understand why an elderly person have such a thing done.
She got up and went. I don't know if it was because she saw me laughing to myself.
I am so naughty:doh:

31-01-16, 20:39
The Big Bang Theory and Frasier. (Both have characters that suffer with anxiety and panic attacks).

And I laugh at myself. Only a few days ago I thought I was bleeding and started to panic and it turned out to be beetroot juice. :D

31-01-16, 20:51
Love Frasier and Nina Conti as me crying with laughter no matter how many times I watch her shows .