View Full Version : pain in front of neck? please help can't sleep

24-01-16, 13:47
i'm a 22 y/o male and had a panic attack about 2 weeks ago (thought i was having a heart attack) i've been to the er twice and tests have been fine both times. was diagnosed with anxiety.

my thing right now is i have pain in the front of my neck... could this be caused by anxiety? i also have some dizziness and feel like i can't breathe which i'm guessing is anxiety but my feet are also cold and sweaty (happens every time i get anxious) could this be from tightening up my neck muscles unconsciously? even the front of the neck? i don't want to see a 3rd doctor because everywhere i read that it will just make my health anxiety worse. last night it was the muscles on the side of my neck and today its in the front please help as i'm afraid to go to sleep in case it like chokes me in my sleep or is the sign of a heart attack. please help!

i also have bad panic when i eat because my chest pains were brought on by mild gastritis and now i'm afraid i'll have alert attack every time i eat also my panic attack was on a sunday and i freak out every morning worried about the day and its hard going to sleep at night because i'm so anxious about the future and i have bad ocd on top of everything else (typing this is triggering it)

does this sound like a mix of ocd and HA? am i being hypersensitive? is this just tense muscles? i just want to get my life back

edit: i can physically see the muscle in my neck and i'm hoping this is just a tense muscle caused by anxiety also i was looking for relief and googled (really stupid i know) and of course the first result was heart attack.... i had palpitations after that and have mostly got them under control but have trouble swallowing (normal for me with anxiety attacks) i've also been sitting strange on the couch lately if that has anything to do with a strained muscle.

24-01-16, 14:16
I believe you answered your own questions. Everything you describes are anxiety symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms).

Speak to your doctor about a referral for therapy and consider meds as a tool to help you get your life back.

Positive thoughts