View Full Version : Stomach flu symptoms or something else?

24-01-16, 22:11
Hello everyone,

I work with children so I'm constantly sick.
Thursday and Friday throughout the whole day I had a bad headache at work. Friday during the afternoon I felt nauseous but after lunch I was feeling better. Anyways, I got home at 5 on Friday and had a shower and ate some soup. Around 1030 I started to get stomach cramps and felt VERY nauseous. I didn't throw up but I had a bit of diarrhea. I took a gravol and went to bed. I was able to keep down crackers and everything.

Saturday I wasn't nauseous but still had the stomach cramps. No vomitting or diarrhea but I had a couple regular bowel movements although sometimes it feels like my stomach is gassy and I need to go to the bathroom but nothing comes out (sorry for TMI).

Today I woke up with the same stomach cramps and gas. I had a bowel movement this morning and ate a little bit of white rice. My stomach is still bothering me. A couple months ago I had the flu very badly and I had the same stomach cramps and gas sensation. Is it possible to have the stomach bug without vomitting or much diarrhea?

---------- Post added at 17:11 ---------- Previous post was at 13:14 ----------


24-01-16, 22:47
Why would it be "something else"? You work with children. They're germy little critters.

Positive thoughts

25-01-16, 16:26
I'm aware of that, however, because there is not much diarrhea and no vomitting I'm wondering if it's related to something else?

Stomach cramps still going strong :ohmy: