View Full Version : Horrible feelings of anxiety right now.

24-01-16, 18:21
Hey everyone.

Sorry if this is posted in the wrong section or something, feel free to remove or move as needed. I just need to vent as I'm going through a pretty rough patch with my anxiety right now. I was improving quite well for some time (about a year and a half) so to have this setback really sucks, but I have nowhere to talk about my stress, which is of course contributing to this factor.

Me and the bf live with our landlord who we get/got on really well with. In August though she started seeing one of our friends, and since then he's practically been at the house CONSTANTLY. I mean, he never goes home. It got to the point where he's been here even when she is not, and as a result, me and the guy have drifted hugely. He's also started making me feel uncomfortable, as he's only apparently 'staying' with us, but he's always using all the amenities, and he doesn't pay anything towards the rent whatsoever. In fact, we are paying for the use of some of the things he uses, but also he uses mine and my bf's stuff.

Me and my bf basically moved from shared accommodation to be with just one other person (who wasn't there much) because of my huge issues with social anxiety and the need to have space. In the last month or so, things have really escalated and he's been really passive aggressive. He mutters things around the house, is really ignorant and rude, and generally just creates an atmosphere. It's also meant my anxiety has flown through the roof as I just don't wanna be there.

What do I do in a situation where someone is making me feel this bad but are a guest of the landlord so I can't make them give me the space I feel I need to feel normal?

Yesterday he blocked me on FB despite us being friends before and when I questioned it, he basically said I was to blame for the whole thing, and that if things were gonna be made 'better' that we needed to talk in person. This in turn has made me even more scared and anxious, as now I'm worried about the way things are going to be. Plus he has ten days off of work and I don't know if I can cope dealing with him being passive aggressive constantly around me.

I've been having weird symptoms of yawning a lot and breathing heavily, which has in turn made me feel very sick and given me a headache that doesn't shift. Is this anxiety too?

I really don't know what to do. I know it's unlikely any of you have been in a similar situation, but as someone who suffers anxiety, how do you go about coping with a situation that's something you can't remove yourself from easily?

24-01-16, 20:07
Hi LuSmith

I'm very sorry for the understandably intolerable situation in which you find yourself.

Firstly, the physical symptoms you describe are typical of anxiety, at least in my experience. When I'm under stress I yawn excessively and suffer from headaches and nausea.

Regarding the problem itself, might you contemplate relocating? I appreciate that you and your boyfriend are the injured parties, however in view of how negatively this arrangement is now affecting you, might it be wise to cut your losses and move out? I'm tentatively making this suggestion on the presumption that your landlord would be unwilling to entertain the prospect of her live-in lover becoming a live-elsewhere lover instead.

Good luck. I hope you find a solution very soon.