View Full Version : Health Anxiety Is So Irrational

24-01-16, 22:06
Hi there fellow sufferers,

It's the first time I've posted anything negative on here for a long while because I feel I've made a lot of progress in recent months with controlling my health anxiety. I'm having a slight relapse at the moment though.

Effectively, I believed I had every disease and disorder under the sun and never thought I would get out of the Hell I was suffering. I was extremely concerned with my eyesight and to a degree, it still worries me a little.

Anyway, I was on a night out 2 weeks back and long story short, I defended a girl in a bar and was incidentally struck with a glass which smashed and cut my face deep around the eye in several places. I was in A&E all night and had to have many stitches after losing a lot of blood.

Here comes the weird part : This was a serious incident which very nearly cost me my eyesight in my left eye and has resulted in scarring for life. However, this didn't phase me. I wasn't remotely scared.

Then fast-forward to 2 days ago. I had to cut some fibreglass to repair a burst pipe and ever since then, I've had a slight irritation in my right eye. A very small discomfort, not even pain really and yet this is scaring the Hell out of me. I keep thinking there must be a fibre of glass in my eye which is slowly going to cause more and more damage and it's freaking me out.

It's things like this that make no sense which however distressing, help me in a way because I realise how irrational my mind is being, making big deals out of small things and prioritising those over the bigger issues in life.

Even with this revelation though, I still can't get it out of my head and keep checking my eye for any signs of a foreign body. Maybe I would feel more pain if it was a fibreglass fibre. I'm not really sure.

I really do hate this debilitating illness and I wish you all the best of luck in beating it. Hopefully, it won't take as long as we think it will. :hugs:

24-01-16, 22:45
I think what really makes us HA sufferers worried is uncertainty. In the case of you getting in a fight, you were certain what the cause of injury was and that it could be patched up (although you could have lost your sight). HA sufferers live in mystery and that is what ultimately causes the anxiety.

Glad you're okay and props to you for defending that girl! :D