View Full Version : how do i get my life back to normal? please read

25-01-16, 06:20
hello everyone, i'm a 22 year old male. have a history of ocd anxiety and depression but have usually been able to deal with it on my own. i was having chest pains in december from gastritis and went to primary care for ppis (had chest pain and threw up a few days before i went, was very scary) i went off the ppis and thought something was wrong because i still had some chest pain but it was worse... my anxiety was bad throughout this whole month. i was having anxiety attacks every night and had to google symptoms (terrible i know) just to fall asleep. i read countless horrible stories of bad things happening to people and now i'm constantly afraid that i have a rare disease or sudden problem.

about 2 weeks ago i went to the e.r. as i was sure i was having a heart attack and it was the most traumatizing thing ever. i literally thought i was going to kick the can. i went to the e.r. via ambulance and when the doctors arrived at my house they didn't even say i needed to go to the hospital because they were so sure i was fine based off of the ekg. i went anyway for more testing and everything came back normal. was diagnosed with anxiety and chest wall pain. the next week was hell, i was very depersonalized and couldn't sleep because i thought something would happen to me in my sleep. i had constant panic attacks when waking up, eating, and going to sleep. i managed to get this under control with gaba and support. however this week i woke up with numbness in left arm and squeezing in the heart area (typing this is making my new chest pain worse). before i went i had a thought / feeling "dude you're fine if you go this time next time something bad will definitely happen and no one will believe you". i went against my better judgement only to have all the tests come back clear other than a small heart murmur. the doctor said i could get an ECG if i wanted to but assured me the results would most likely be normal. gave me xanax for anxiety. i am hoping this is my ocd. since then i developed a new chest feeling and joined this site in a panic as opposed to calling the e.r. for a 3rd time in less than 3 weeks. someone gave a very helpful reply and the chest pain basically went away. this lasted for about 2 days and now i have a new chest pain (indescribable feeling in center of chest along with something more align with my previous pains.) along with pain in front and side of neck. i'm trying to be rational and believe its tension from stressing out so hard and sleeping on a bad pillow but i keep thinking "something really might happen this time" just typing that is freaking me out and making me think it will come true. i woke up with that new sternum pain this morning in what my family said looked like a panic attack but i didn't feel that anxious just dizzy and scared and in pain. (could this be me getting used to extreme anxiety?)

i still have occasional sharp shooting pains in chest (not very much) the new chest sensation (which went away while playing video games and relaxing with my sibling) but came back after i decided to do wii fit and noticed i lost 10 pounds in the last month. i also feel dizzy and nauseous and scared. i am wondering if i should see a 3rd doctor tomorrow and get the ECG or if these are all typical signs of health anxiety / ocd and that i'll only discover more symptoms. before i went to bed last night i had bad ocd about a shirt (if i wear this shirt something bad will definitely happen, if i wear this shirt it will only be a panic attack but be careful). i'm wondering if i brought the panic upon myself. i also caved and googled neck pain and the first hit was heart attack so i panicked. i also get numbness in chest and abdomen and arms (sometimes left and right) when i'm sleeping and whichever side i'm on i feel the tingly and numbness sometimes in neck and head. i am so scared. i am thinking my ocd was right even though i just had all these tests come back clear. its so scary. i'm afraid to eat and sleep and only got 3 hours of sleep last night because of this. is it normal to experience numbness tingling in these scary areas from anxiety? was the center of chest pain typical for a panic attack even if my BPM was only 78? felt like i had bad palpitations during this. is a hotter monitor unnecessary because i've been given all of these tests? my family is tired with me and says they've noticed this is a pattern but i am terrified because of new symptoms and that ocd thought of "something will actually happen and no one will believe you". whenever i seem to get it under control i have horrible intrusive thoughts about something suddenly happening to me. the only symptoms i have right now are neck pain (back from pillow and front i'm rationalizing to be tension) taste of blood in mouth and small amounts in spit (its been freezing and i have allergies so i'm hoping its that i don't even know if thats a sign of something serious because i've had it before and shrugged it off.) and dizziness (again something i've had since sleeping on this pillow even before i developed this horrible health anxiety. i'm scared of going to sleep and getting the numb feeling in my chest or abdomen or arms or neck and face and waking up with pain like that again or having another panic attack. i just did wii fit and noticed my balance was basically perfect even though i feel like the room is sliding when standing with weak legs. are these common anxiety symptoms?

i am trying mindfulness and taking gaba currently. i feel horrible when not on the gaba but sometimes the feelings are still there. i've read about habits forming after 21 days so i'm desperate to challenge my thought patterns and break down the wall of doubt that is keeping me from progressing and feeling normal again. i keep reading about reassurance and don't want to be making posts on here all the time only to be stuck at a standstill (the people on here are amazing though i appreciate everyone who's replied to my posts)

thanks for reading this

25-01-16, 11:17
You’re story seems familiar ‘cause it happened to me too. Even the doctor who attended me on my 2nd Visit to the E.R just laughed(slight) at me and told me: “It is just Panic Attack young lad, you’re fine.” .I was frustrated that time, I wanted to punch the doctor’s face.