View Full Version : breast self exam

25-01-16, 11:00
Hello everyone

I have a question. Been struggling with breast ha for ages. Last july found a small lump (1cm x 0,5 cm) in right breast. That was the tenth in a year i guess. For two other lumps had us done. For this lump also went to gp, she said everything fine. No ultrasound done. But I keep worrying. I think its smaller after my period and I think its nothing. Bit what if it is?? It's been there for half a year and didn't grow. And I also don't feel it when doing a bse with flat part of my hand. Only feeling it when I put my fingers aside to it. So prodding and poking with fingertips actually. But some sites say that that's not the way to feel because you will feel everything in your breast, even the little fatty lumps or just glandular tissue. Wednesday am seeing my gp again.

But does anyone know the proper way to do an exam so you will feel the bad lumps but ignore the normal ones?? Thanks a lot!!

25-01-16, 11:55
Like you I suffer with breast HA. I am 50, how old are you? The biggest risk factor is age.
If you cant feel the lump with the flat palm then it probably isnt a lump. It could be a ligament or muscle (the breasts dont have muscle but there are muscles underneath the bust that can be felt as lumpy when you roll your fingers over them or dig in.) The reason I ask is that your Doctor will know this and has probably made an assessment based on your age and the physical exam that you are at very low risk of BC. If you arent happy, go back to the doctor.

Hello everyone

I have a question. Been struggling with breast ha for ages. Last july found a small lump (1cm x 0,5 cm) in right breast. That was the tenth in a year i guess. For two other lumps had us done. For this lump also went to gp, she said everything fine. No ultrasound done. But I keep worrying. I think its smaller after my period and I think its nothing. Bit what if it is?? It's been there for half a year and didn't grow. And I also don't feel it when doing a bse with flat part of my hand. Only feeling it when I put my fingers aside to it. So prodding and poking with fingertips actually. But some sites say that that's not the way to feel because you will feel everything in your breast, even the little fatty lumps or just glandular tissue. Wednesday am seeing my gp again.

But does anyone know the proper way to do an exam so you will feel the bad lumps but ignore the normal ones?? Thanks a lot!!

25-01-16, 12:53
Hi cerridwen

I am 33 so pretty young for bc i guess. I think my doctor did do an assessment based on my risk. But she knows about my ha so then I think maybe she is just like, probably ha again. I will go back Wednesday.

Do you also have lumps which are just glandular tissue? And do you do bse? And how do you manage your anxiety?