View Full Version : Anxious about rib pain

25-01-16, 13:17
Hi it's my first time posting here. I've had a constant niggley pain in my right ribs now for about 4 weeks. I say pain it didn't really hurt maybe felt a bit like cramp. Anyway last weekend I googled (silly I know) and convinced myself it's my liver I went to the hospital in a panic and saw a nurse who said he thought it was anxiety and pulled muscles as the ache is sometimes high up in my ribs. Went to the Drs a couple of days later and who again said anxiety and a pulled muscle see how it is in a month.

It's driving me crazy I can't eat for a week I've lived off a few bananas and yogurts today I've come home from work in a state because I'm convinced there's something wrong and the ache isn't always in the same place it's now also moved to the back of my ribs and I sometimes feel there is something under them but if I have a hot water bottle or move how I'm sitting it goes. I don't think the ache is always there but it is if I think about it if that makes sense?

Is this all in my head? I've got a beautiful 4 year old daughter and I'm so scared of leaving her

25-01-16, 14:19
I've recently been really worried about chest pain. Which is apparantly muscular. I have a 10 mth old though so probably lifting her. Do you lift your little one much? Could it be that? X

25-01-16, 15:40
I get rib pain and I'm only 17 years old. Sometimes squeezing, sometimes sharp. Had ECG, echo, x-rays that all came out perfect.

You will know if it's cardiovascular. It's described as the worst pain in your life.

25-01-16, 16:23
Thank You both for replying. I don't lift my daughter as much now but I do heavy lifting at work but I can't remember lifting anything and hurting myself plus it's been for so long now. I did read that if it was my liver and it was enlarged the dr would be able to feel it but neither could. I did have awful trapped wind over Christmas then noticed this after so wonder if that could have anything to do with it

25-01-16, 16:48
Anxiety makes you feel little pains that normally a person without anxiety wouldn't conciously feel. It intensifies them as well.

It happens to me too, sometimes I have mild abdominal/chest pains for no reason but generally, when I'm busy, I don't even realize, most of them are just normal in fact. I went through your same worries years ago, but after many tests and so much time perfecting my anxiety coping skills I learned to live with them, to the point where you could say they disappeared.

25-01-16, 16:58
Thank you for your reply. It doesn't help that after my daughter was born I had gallstones and was told for 9 months by my dr that it was anxiety so I'm worried they've missed something again this time.

25-01-16, 17:08
Thank you for your reply. It doesn't help that after my daughter was born I had gallstones and was told for 9 months by my dr that it was anxiety so I'm worried they've missed something again this time.

I don't think so. Docs missing stuff happens every now and then but it's not a very common occurence.

Can I ask how old are you? If you're under 40 and you're thinking about sinister stuff starting with C, don't even think about it, it would be more likely for you to be struck by lightning instead of that. And even if you're older than that age, it's still rare.

Chances are it's nothing serious and it will just go away on its own, just be careful not to obsess about it because anxiety is a real illness and can be more scary than a lot of other stuff, it can easily spiral out of control very fast... so eat properly, keep your mind entertained, spend time with your family and before you know it it'll likely be gone. If the pain ever escalates, paying the doc another visit wouldn't hurt, though.

25-01-16, 17:18
I'm nearly 30 if it was something serious I would feel the pain all the time wouldn't I? It would wake me from my sleep? I'm going back to the Drs tomorrow for some reassurance. Logically my head tells me it's nothing ignore it then I start thinking what if it is serious and I've ignored it? Also if it was liver related I'd have other symptoms other than an ache. I think the anxiety has put me off my food and it's worrying me that not feeling hungry is a symptom of liver problems. It's a vicious circle

25-01-16, 17:24
I'm nearly 30 if it was something serious I would feel the pain all the time wouldn't I? It would wake me from my sleep? I'm going back to the Drs tomorrow for some reassurance. Logically my head tells me it's nothing ignore it then I start thinking what if it is serious and I've ignored it? Also if it was liver related I'd have other symptoms other than an ache. I think the anxiety has put me off my food and it's worrying me that not feeling hungry is a symptom of liver problems. It's a vicious circle

Yeah, I understand how you feel.

Your best bet is to go for some medical reassurance indeed, but after you get it, you have to break the vicious circle of anxiety, otherwise it will just keep going on and on.

Also if you're nearly 30, forget about anything "serious", it's not going to happen. If anything it could be mild to moderate ailments like chronic trapped gas, gallstones again or stuff like that, no sinister stuff.

25-01-16, 17:30
Thank you what your saying does make sense the dr also started me on antidepressants 6 days ago so hopefully they will soon kick in and help me settle down

26-01-16, 01:18
I'm nearly 30 if it was something serious I would feel the pain all the time wouldn't I? It would wake me from my sleep? I'm going back to the Drs tomorrow for some reassurance. Logically my head tells me it's nothing ignore it then I start thinking what if it is serious and I've ignored it? Also if it was liver related I'd have other symptoms other than an ache. I think the anxiety has put me off my food and it's worrying me that not feeling hungry is a symptom of liver problems. It's a vicious circle

Yes. A pain that comes and goes is rarely considered serious.

Anyway it sounds like it all comes down to your anxiety. I get pains all around my body from muscle tension and it can get overwhelming at times but I know full well what the cause is.

If you feel tense (your shoulders are hunched up by your ears or your arms feel like lead weight) drop your shoulders and breathe through your stomach. Drop your jaw and make your eyelids sink like you're about to fall asleep. This takes my pain away 9 times out of 10.

26-01-16, 02:52
Look up costochrondritis...I have it although not bad but a lot of people get this.

26-01-16, 04:56
Thanks for you replies. I'm wide awake at silly o clock again worry about this. Is it possible for muscle tension to hurt just one side? My side hurt a lot yesterday but I went for a long walk with my dog and it went away so again makes sense it's muscle but I just can't get the what ifs out of my head

26-01-16, 22:22
Thanks for you replies. I'm wide awake at silly o clock again worry about this. Is it possible for muscle tension to hurt just one side? My side hurt a lot yesterday but I went for a long walk with my dog and it went away so again makes sense it's muscle but I just can't get the what ifs out of my head

Of course. I get squeezing/sharp pains mostly on my left side under my chest in the upper-rib area because I have heart HA and my body tenses to the left side involuntarily (I've observed this very carefully - if I tense up my right side the same way my right rib wall starts to hurt).

I always recommend Claire Weekes' book to people who are suffering from HA. Have you read/seen any of her works? She has a book titled Hope and Help for Your Nerves and it has the potential to 'cure' you of your health anxiety if you choose to follow it with diligence and perseverance!

You will find comfort eventually. I've been dealing with chest pain for some time now. I'm the most tense person I know even if it doesn't look like it from the outside (I had health anxiety all my 17 years of life but my doctor didn't diagnose me with GAD until last year).

27-01-16, 05:32
Hi, I've not read those books I'll have to look out for them. I've had anxiety on and off for a long time but this is the first time I've had it this bad. My dr said yesterday she is 100% sure it's muscle pain and my anxiety is making it worse I felt great last night no pain at all yet this morning here I am again, 5.30am wondering if she's wrong

27-01-16, 05:56
Hey bakedbeansrule,

I was having weird rib pain last week ! I was sooooo very worried about it like you were. I never went to get it checked out because it had to have been from my anxiety and poor posture / muscle tension when I'm stressed and worried. I was feeling my rib pain under my left and right breast off and on.. Also in between my breasts like the sternum and occasionally in the back. I'm not feeling it that bad or really anymore now so it had to have been muscular. try not thinking the worst like I did because I made myself so miserable thinking negative. /:

27-01-16, 08:38
Hi I sometimes get pain in my chest and back but I know that's anxiety this was a different kind of pain. Sounds totally daft but I couldnt explain it. It hurt but it didn't it was never just an ache or just a cramp. I've been told by 2 nurses and 2drs its muscle and anxiety I should start believing them now lol just to put my mind at ease I've got a blood test booked in 2 weeks to check my liver so I'm gonna try not to worry about it