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View Full Version : Blood in stool or beetroots?

25-01-16, 18:37
On Friday night I ate some beetroot. This morning when I had a bowel movement and wiped I noticed the tissue looked sort of purple/reddish. Sort of like when you are on your period and get very light brown blood. I worried about this all day as I've had a lot of problems with my lymph nodes over the year and am now scared its spread to my bowels or something. The tinge is still there when I just went to the toilet. I noticed that the actual poo was brown but a reddish/purple tinge formed round it when it was at the bottom of the bowl. There is no bright red blood on the tissue, it's just got a tinge. Does this sound like I have blood in my stools or just from beetroot? Having ate the beetroots on Friday isn't it a little late for that to be happening?
