View Full Version : Panicking as think I ate a piece of undercooked sausage!

25-01-16, 21:56

So my bf cooked us some sausages tonight. They were originally in the oven for about 15 minutes and then he put them in the grill for 10 mins as they didn't look cooked still.

We then served them up thinking they were fine and I sort of went into it not thinking and ate a piece of one but after looked and it was pink on the inside.

We put them back in the grill for an extra 5 minutes or 10 minutes and they definitely were cooked after that but I'm paranoid about that little piece I ate!

They were sausages with 90% pork so fairly good quality sausages but I'm worried still about the idea of bacteria.

Do you think I'll get food poisoning from that little piece I ate? I once ate a piece of undercooked chicken and had diarrhoea for like a few days so I'm slightly concerned.

I have a fear of throwing up so this is one of the things worrying me too :/ Has anyone eaten an undercooked sausage and lived to tell the tale and not gotten food poisoning???

25-01-16, 21:58
I giggled at this one just because I have been in your shoes so many times! So far they have never made me vomit either.
Were they defrosted before cooking if so I am sure they will be fine. Lots of sausages remain pink in the middle no matter how long they are cooked! Some brown.

Richmond sausages I think always look pink so I cut them in half and charcoal the inside too.

This probably wasn't very helpful but I think you will be fine I always have been xxxx

25-01-16, 21:58
At most you would get some diarrhea don't worry too much about it. I've done this to and it was an entire sausage!

25-01-16, 21:59
Many people eat undercooked meat with no adverse affects whatsoever. I know how it feels though as I ate pinkish chicken before and was worried all night I'd get food poisoning but I was fine.

Gary A
25-01-16, 23:30
Worst you'll get is an upset stomach. In all likelihood though, you'll get absolutely nothing.