View Full Version : This was meant to be a positive update...

25-01-16, 22:55
I haven't really been on here as much recently, as I've been feeling so much better. I had been meaning to write a post about how happy I am and so on but the last couple of days I haven't been doing so well.

The main positive thing that has happened is that I've started working again and it is really interesting. I left my last job because I couldn't cope anymore and ended up moving back to my parents because I wasn't happy in the city I was living. I was worried I'd start feeling anxious again at work but that hasn't happened.

I haven't had a panic attack in a while and generally my anxiety has been manageable.

I'm not sure if any of you have seen my previous posts but I've been having problems with my inner ears since September, it was mostly better but then I got ill again over Christmas. Since Christmas my glands on my left side have now swollen (on top of the existing ones on the right neck) and ones by my collar bone are tender too. I also think I have a swollen one in my groin as it is painful there too.

Although I've been feeling ill I've been contsantly reminding myself that I'm still getting on with everything so it can't be that bad... but I just don't know what to do, I feel like I'm constantly ill and I don't know why. I have blood tests on 3rd (for anxiety), a doctors appointment on 8th Feb and an ENT appointment too, but I don't know whether I see a doctor before then as more glands have gone up.

And to top it off I was really stupid and googled Leukemia . I feel like my symptoms fit (I know every anxiety sufferer says that).

I've been pretty good at taking each day as it comes and waiting for my appointments and now I'm not so sure... Maybe I'm just feeling this way because I am tired?

Sorry for the rambling long post, I just needed to put how I'm feeling down in writing!

25-01-16, 23:12
My immune system has been weak over the last few months. Once I recovered from one illness I started with another. Sometimes when we are run down it can make picking things up even easier. Stress and depression was bringing me down.

26-01-16, 22:47
Thanks for the reply Emma, I'm feeling a lot better today. I think sleep helped!