View Full Version : Does anyone else do this?

26-01-16, 08:07
Ok this is probably going to sound very stupid and ridiculous but this is a bad habit of mind that probably makes no logical sense.

Every ache, sharp pain or any weird sensation I immediately think it's some sort of cancer spreading. If an area near a mole or examples feels strange or aches I become obsessed that it's melanoma spreading for example. This probably makes no sense and you probably can't physically feel cancer spreading (I don't know lol). Does anyone else do this?

26-01-16, 08:22
I'm doing this right now I'm convinced there's something wrong with my liver so much so I'm wondering if I'm imagining the ache which is driving me insane it's a horrible vicious cycle

26-01-16, 10:01
Yeah, I’m doing that too. I worry alot, and this NEW ME sucks, I want to turn back time, back in the days when I even don’t give a damn whenever I feel any ache, I would just shrugged it off and move on. But the NEW ME thinks that my days are numbered and will diagnose myself with morbid diseases. I am really down.

26-01-16, 10:21
Oh god, yes. I used to do this all the time (still do a little bit). I also think any twinge in my hands, arms, shoulders and upper body is a heart attack. I've had a recurring aching shoulder for 3 years- longest heart attack ever.

27-01-16, 10:00
I used to be like this. I am still scared I have cancer or will develop it soon but lately its been more that every pain or sensation is something neurological like a stroke or something else to do with my brain.

27-01-16, 11:54
I am the same. Today I think I have Tennis Elbow, and still have pain in my hip when I had to be lifted out of the bath at Christmas.
I wish I could afford to have private tests. Someone I could go to every time I felt a twinge:blush:

27-01-16, 14:22
Sadly its called typical health anxiety thinking and we all do it!

A close friend of mine has been diagnosed with incurable lung cancer that has already spread. She has never smoked and was super healthy and had no symptoms - it was picked up by routine x ray for something else.

This has both helped and hindered my health anxiety. It has made me realise that life can be cut short and I should make the most of time and enjoy myself but also has scared me that someone with no symptoms and appearing very fit and healthy can be terminally ill. It has also made me feel very guilty that I am worrying about my symptoms and no doubt wasting Drs time when she realy does have not alot of time left.