View Full Version : Bad weekend

26-02-07, 13:56
Hi everyone.Feeling a bit low.My brother was in court friday and the case was chucked out,after a whole flippin year of stress worry and anxiety.Its good for him,but all seems to have got on top of me this weekend.Havent felt this low in a while.Staurday night went to bed,and just cried until about 3.00am,then must have just fell asleep.Have counselling today,and that makes me worse.I am supposed to go away for a weekend next week in our caravan,and Im not sure I want to go.The last time I went, last year,was when I was really bad with panic attacks ect.I have no motivation.I know it will do me good.I get worried out of my safety zone.:(
I have alot of personal problems going on at the moment as well and all seems to be building up inside.I worry all the time to,there is always something to worry about.Thanks for letting me rant.:emot-crying: :weep: :sad:

26-02-07, 14:09
Oh ellen , do,nt feeel that you need to apoligise,i,m sorry your weekend was as you would have liked, you really should go away for the weekend ,it cuold be just what you need. Families are funny things, you have as you say a flippin year of stress and anxiety, it,s you time now so make the most of it. go and have that break it will do you the world of good.

26-02-07, 21:19
Hi Ellen I'm sorry you had a bad weekend. I can totally understand how this has all got on top of you.

We all need a break at some point and I think the weekend holiday will help. Have some time to relax and treat yourself.

I hope you feel better soon,

26-02-07, 22:48
hi ellen

please excuse the typing!!! i have frozen shoulder and can only type with 1 finger on left hand!!!

sorry u are not so good mate.....thought of u yesterday was down at stokes bay with the dogs!!!

where are u going for weekend????

have fun and u will be fine xx

luv kaz x x x

27-02-07, 11:23
Hi Ellen,

I'm sorry to hear your feeling so down, I'm sending you

(((((BIG HUGS)))))

A year of stress, worry and anxiety can take a lot out of you, so give yourself some "me time" now.

Go on your little break for the weekend - once you get there, you will have loads to take your mind off all the problems, and it will be worth it. I totally understand you being scared to leave your safety zone - I'm the same. However, imagine how good you will feel after it! It will be a big achievement if you go! :) However, don't put yourself under pressure. Expect to feel anxious - but just go with it. Take it one step at a time :)

We will all be waiting here for you - wish I could come with you LOL :D

Take care
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

27-02-07, 11:45

keep your chin up matey ((((Ellen)))) if you ever need a chat just let me know and remember I only live down the road from you


Trac xx

27-02-07, 13:21
Thanks everyone,We are going on Saturday until Monday.Starting to feel anxious now.I want to go in a way,but the anxiety is there and Im trying not to let it take over.;)