View Full Version : how long can tension headaches last?

26-01-16, 09:15
as I've written in previous posts I've not been feeling 100% since new year. over the last week I've developed a bad headache which has persisted all week waking up with it and going to bed with it, I've also got terrible nausea feeling like I could throw up lots of the time but haven't actually vomited, just feel terribly sick. its all coming and going but its not showing any signs of going away.

I saw a doctor at the weekend who did a blood test which came back normal, they wanted to rule out meningitis mainly and then they sent me on my way. I've still got no idea what's causing this and obviously im fearing the worst, brain tumour, some sort of cancer etc.

I've had tension headaches last year but can't really remember how long it went on for. Does anyone know how long headaches can go on for, and if my blood work was normal (full blood count etc) should this tell me that there's nothing serious going on or should I go back to my doctor and ask for more tests to be done (mri)?

Really fed up and just wanting to feel normal again.

26-01-16, 13:33
If you have anxiety it could persist as long as the tension does x

26-01-16, 13:36
I've had one just like that from December till now. So yeah they can last a while.

26-01-16, 16:28
I've had one just like that from December till now. So yeah they can last a while.

have you seen your doctor about it? I'm so unsure what to do I just feel so scared of having something seriously wrong. the fact that I have nausea as well is making me most scared :(

26-01-16, 16:31
I've had exactly the same thing since early December. I wake up with the headaches, and sometimes also have nausea. They tend to actually get better into the evening, and then low and behold I wake up with it again the next day. It also makes me feel very out of it, like a brain fog type of feeing. No idea what the hell is causing it.

28-01-16, 02:47
Hi white, I have had a headache everyday for like a week! It feels like a flu headache, hard to explain but minus the flu. I have been quite congested lately, coughing at night, and feeling as though my ear is full so maybe it's just some weird virus. I've also had visual disturbances.

I seem to get periods of headaches that last awhile. Tension headaches can last a long time! I definitely think you are okay, especially if the doctor doesn't seem concerned.

28-01-16, 05:08
Kaye it could be snoring or teeth grinding. Both of those can put a lot of strain on your TMJ

28-01-16, 11:08
Kaye it could be snoring or teeth grinding. Both of those can put a lot of strain on your TMJ

I was thinking possible teeth grinding but I dunno... the pain is mainly around my right eye but also goes through my cheekbone and even into my teeth :/

03-02-16, 12:50
my headaches are none existent in the morning but arrive about 2pm and last the evening. Its not even like a true headache it just feels like a very dull ache which throbs on and off. Any ideas??

03-02-16, 15:05
my headaches are none existent in the morning but arrive about 2pm and last the evening. Its not even like a true headache it just feels like a very dull ache which throbs on and off. Any ideas??

hi blonde,

yours sounds like it is definintely tension related. do you work in front of a screen at all? the doctor once told me that headaches that came on through the day weren't a cause for concern, and were usually a result of environmental factors.

03-02-16, 20:59
Hi white. I do work in front of a pc but I also get them on my days off. I dismissed tension because they're at the front of the head and affect both sides. Mines always on the left.

03-02-16, 21:10
Recently had headaches that lasted about 4 weeks, and towards the end, I had it NON STOP for over a week... it's gone now though. They can last a LONG time.