View Full Version : Sinus probelms ... Really Scared!!!

26-01-16, 13:50
In December 2014 I got a very bad cold which lasted 2 - 3 weeks. In February 2015 I started to suffer from facial pain which was intense, I went and saw the doctor who told me I was coming down with a cold. 24 hours later I had a full blown cold ... however my teeth were hurting so went and saw a dentist who said I had sinisitus, after tablets, another return to the doctors for more tablets and nasal spray it finally got better (approx 2 months later). Through out the summer I had little flare ups but in December 2015 my right side of the face was hurting around the cheek bone and nose. Here I am in January and still have pain (not so bad) but I now have a blocked right side nose. I stupidly asked Dr Google and it has come up with Sinus Cancer and now I'm scared !--

26-01-16, 14:22
Rationalize. You asked Google and jumped on the first worst case solution, how possible will that be? My sinus have been flaring up recently aswell, its more common than you think, and usually when you get it once you'll bound to get it more often than usual. Perhaps invest in a humidifier, they are known to help.

---------- Post added at 14:22 ---------- Previous post was at 14:21 ----------

Also Sinus infections tend to hurt/ache/burn around the areas you specified, for me it was a burning sensation in the eyes, around the nose, by the eyebrows, under the eyes and on the cheeks. I used re-hydrating eyedrops to keep my eyes from stining, really helped lift my mood. Also sinus can flare up due to allergies.

26-01-16, 14:29
Thank you, I just get scared that this has been happening since 2014 and not getting better so I just assume it must be cancer!

26-01-16, 16:15
Luja, I'm in the same frame of mind. First cold Dec 2014, dizziness and post nasal drip Jan-Feb 2015, another horrible cold and cough April 2015, my ears haven't felt right since and have post-nasal drip since.

Since Nov 2015 have been diagnosed with chronic sinusitis, acute sinusitis, acute-on-chronic sinusitis.. Now I have tinnitus (also blamed on sinusitis) and still the horrible post nasal drip. Have had bloods, CT, MRI, all sorts and now have ENT apt next Tuesday.

All of this came during one of my massive downers, which hasn't helped my HA about my symptoms at all!


26-01-16, 19:31
Hey! I have suffered issues with my sinuses for ages, one side is pretty much always blocked. Put down to allergies for a while but after a trip to an ent specialist and a CT scan it turns out I have a deviated septum which explains why one side is nearly always blocked. I find otrivine nose spray really works but the ent said sometimes it can make things worse if you take it too often as it can inflame the lining. I am now on avamys and take otrivine occasionally (ent said he takes it when he has a cold).

I could have had surgery but I didn't dare! However, I have a constant tickle in my throat (due to nasal drip apparently) and my sinuses always feel full. Possibly still allergy related but the deviated septum makes it worse xx

26-01-16, 19:36
Hey! I have suffered issues with my sinuses for ages, one side is pretty much always blocked. Put down to allergies for a while but after a trip to an ent specialist and a CT scan it turns out I have a deviated septum which explains why one side is nearly always blocked. I find otrivine nose spray really works but the ent said sometimes it can make things worse if you take it too often as it can inflame the lining. I am now on avamys and take otrivine occasionally (ent said he takes it when he has a cold).

I could have had surgery but I didn't dare! However, I have a constant tickle in my throat (due to nasal drip apparently) and my sinuses always feel full. Possibly still allergy related but the deviated septum makes it worse xx

Do you have ear probs, Kirbear? x

26-01-16, 20:25
Hi, I have had problems since December, it really effects my teeth and I seem to always have teeth pain at the front top and bottom. Hope you feel better soon.

26-01-16, 21:55
Yes I do, I sometimes go deaf in one ear for a matter of seconds, starts with a ringing noise. My hearing comes back as quick as it went! Not always the same ear either. I get a lot of strange noises in them too, high pitched noises, humming noises. Pain sometimes too, in the ear and sometimes just in front of it. x

26-01-16, 21:59
My GP has blamed all of my weird symptoms on sinus probs.. my ears are my main issue now! x

27-01-16, 11:03
Could possibly be, I didn't realise how many issues poor sinuses can create! Now I've had CT and ears looked at I don't feel afraid of what it is anymore but still get fed up with feeling crap all the time! xx

27-01-16, 11:17
Did they look up your nose with the scope? x

27-01-16, 16:33
The thing is I am absolutely petrified of going back to Doctors as I know it will mean a CT scan and I am scared of what it could show x

27-01-16, 16:41
I'm the same with every procedure Luja - bloods included.. Ironically I work in a medical centre and spend my days reassuring nervous patients.. Shame I can't practice what I preach! x :hugs:

27-01-16, 18:48
Yes I had the scope too x I was terrified of what the CT might show as well. Bloods are a nightmare for me too as I can see my results online so I analyse everything and in my head it's always bad even though the go has typed 'normal' next to it! :doh:

27-01-16, 19:33
Yes I had the scope too x I was terrified of what the CT might show as well. Bloods are a nightmare for me too as I can see my results online so I analyse everything and in my head it's always bad even though the go has typed 'normal' next to it! :doh:

Oooh how come you can read your results online? x How was the scope? x


27-01-16, 22:05
Something called patient access it's something some surgeries offer. I wish I never registered! Haha. The scope was absolutely fine, just a thin tube with a camera on the end. Doesn't hurt at all (bit sensitive when he got the the bent part of my nose but other side he could have gone all the way, it just tickles a bit and makes your nose a bit runny! xx

27-01-16, 22:13
Hehe! Did you look on the screen at what he was doing? x

28-01-16, 23:24
He asked if I wanted to so I had a quick look, not the prettiest of sights! :D

28-01-16, 23:29
Sinus issues are very common. I get pain and post nasal drip sometimes, usually when it's cold, and in the summer or during allergy season. I wouldn't think the worst, in fact - far from it.

There are plenty of home remedies. Try them til you find something. Nasal sprays, sinus washes, herbal pills, humidifiers, mucinex... whatever, just try them and see if you get relief at all.

For me, a herbal tablet called Sinusalia works well, and the sinus wash when it gets bad helps a lot, just be sure to read the instructions!

29-01-16, 13:51
I'm really worried now as when I breath in through my nose my left nostril goes in and the right one doesn't which feels blocked I am so scared it could be a tumour that is causing all of this.

29-01-16, 21:11
Luja mine is exactly the same, it's always my right nostril that is blocked and doesn't 'go in' when I breathe x

30-01-16, 02:52
Hi Luja,

I am panicking about the EXACT same symptoms right now and have been since the summer.

I have right-sided sinus pain, almost at the bridge and side of my nose, pain in my right eye brow and socket, an achy jaw, front tooth almost feels numb, constant feeling that I need to clear mucus in the back of my throat but nothing really comes out. Right side of nose nearly always blocked but not always with any mucus, sometimes just feels swollen. And lately any mucus I do have has blood in it at times. I also have neck pain and a full feeling on that side, as well as a dry and irritated feeling where it seems like the nasal passage and throat connect at the upper back of the throat.

I'm so tired of this fear...I've had a few good weeks but it always seems to come back strong eventually. I'm only 26 but I did smoke for a few years so of course I'm worried about cancer. :(

I completely feel for you! It's so hard to accept what we are feeling as nothing but sinus issues.

30-01-16, 10:58
I have the same.. except mine went along to my ears according to my GP.. have loads of post nasal drip as well, to the point where my throat feels a bit yucky and I'm noticing a bit of heartburn.

Have had so many different and unusual symptoms come and go over the past couple of months that I can't get my head around it xx

30-01-16, 11:11
Hi Artist, I have the exact symptoms as you ... have you been to the doctors?? It's awful .... and like you so scared it could be C ... xx

30-01-16, 16:18
Hi Artist, I have the exact symptoms as you ... have you been to the doctors?? It's awful .... and like you so scared it could be C ... xx

I have been to a primary care doctor who thought it was all related to neck disc issues and posture, combined with allergies which I've had nearly all my life.

He recommended I see a chiropractor, who thought the same thing. I saw her several times and on my last visit I worked up the nerve to tell her I thought I had cancer, and she said nothing that I described or that she saw raised a red flag for her, and that she say this kind of stuff all the time.

It did make me feel better about it at the time, but I had to stop going to her regularly because I couldn't afford it.

Still, of course, I worry that I didn't properly explain my symptoms to them or that they missed something! :weep:

30-01-16, 16:21
What kind of treatment did you get? Did it help much? Have been thinking of a chiropractor myself x

30-01-16, 18:26
I have doctors on Friday I will let you know how I get on xx.

30-01-16, 22:32
What kind of treatment did you get? Did it help much? Have been thinking of a chiropractor myself x

The chiropractor did a combination of neck adjustments, ultrasound therapy and gave me some stretches and exercises to do on my own.

It did seem to help at the time, but of course since I haven't been doing it lately or visiting her, the pain persists and I'm still freaking out about it. :(

31-01-16, 10:41
I still get odd sinus symptoms but mine is ear/post nasal drip mainly. It started with sinuses but seems to have evolved! My MRI said that I had a lot of wear and tear on my neck, so I probably need to address that as well.

Feel quite congested this morning as well. Wish it would just bugger off. xx

Have my ENT on Tues, and Luja posted that she has her GP Fri... hope we both get some relief! x

01-02-16, 09:55
How is everyone feeling today? :hugs:

01-02-16, 14:01
How is everyone feeling today? :hugs:

Hi dear!

Unfortunately I had a little stomach bug last night (or ate something bad, not sure) so overall I'm not feeling 100%, but my throat and sinus problems are still here. Just feels full and a bit achy, and my neck hurts. It's like maybe two inches down from the bottom of my ear where my neck hurts the most, kind of on the front and side of my neck. :( So tired for checking for a lump in that area, but haven't felt anything yet.

How are you today, G? Luja, how are getting along? Always feel free to PM me if you ever need to chat! Well wishes to all.

02-02-16, 10:13
ENT appt this afternoon!! :scared15::scared15::scared15:

02-02-16, 11:12
Hi, how did the ENT go today?? I am feeling more and more nervous with my GO appointment on Friday ... still seeing my nostrils being soo different when breathing in scares me and I think there is a tumour blocking it 😣😣😣

02-02-16, 12:35
Hi, I went through a similar fear. I was really scared that I had sinus cancer as well. I had completely unilateral symptoms: one eye watering, one nostril blocked, one nostril running. I went to an ENT who found that one nostril was smaller than the other, but he explained that this was normal. I was still worried and insisted on a sinus CT which came up completely clear! I hope this gives you some peace of mind:)

02-02-16, 19:34
Hi, how did the ENT go today?? I am feeling more and more nervous with my GO appointment on Friday ... still seeing my nostrils being soo different when breathing in scares me and I think there is a tumour blocking it 😣😣😣

Really disappointed with my ENT appt.. He had a quick look in my ears and up my nose.. gave me a nasal wash thing to use.. had no real answers to any of my questions despite me going in there armed with what symptoms I've had/got and what I've been treated with so far. He did send me for a hearing test and I'm now being given a little hearing aid next week to help with my left ear issues... but other than that, not impressed! No clearer about my intermittent ear pain or post-nasal drip or anything :weep:

02-02-16, 23:36
Really disappointed with my ENT appt.. He had a quick look in my ears and up my nose.. gave me a nasal wash thing to use.. had no real answers to any of my questions despite me going in there armed with what symptoms I've had/got and what I've been treated with so far. He did send me for a hearing test and I'm now being given a little hearing aid next week to help with my left ear issues... but other than that, not impressed! No clearer about my intermittent ear pain or post-nasal drip or anything :weep:

So sorry about this! It's very frustrating when you've done your homework and still don't feel like your time with the doctor was valuable. I supposed it is somewhat comforting that he didn't see anything alarming but I feel your pain when you think they're not investigating enough. Do you have the option to go to someone else of your choosing? Not sure how your system works over there...

Hugs! :hugs:

03-02-16, 04:10
I've had sinus pains for 2 months now. I'm starting to freak out been reading stuff about sinus c and it's terrified me. My symptoms are pain and pressure behind my eyes and forehead cheeks and bridge of nose. My tinnitis isn't as bad as it was. I went to an ent he took an xray and said I had a sinus infection, he gave me some steroids and antibiotics. Well 2 more sets of antibiotics an optometrist and neurologist appointment later and I still have pains. I'm seeing my ENT Thursday so hopefully he can tell me some good news.

03-02-16, 11:39
So sorry about this! It's very frustrating when you've done your homework and still don't feel like your time with the doctor was valuable. I supposed it is somewhat comforting that he didn't see anything alarming but I feel your pain when you think they're not investigating enough. Do you have the option to go to someone else of your choosing? Not sure how your system works over there...

Hugs! :hugs:

I have another appt on 15th March, hope I get to see someone else. At least now I know what to expect, I can readjust my approach. Feel a bit flat this morning! xx

---------- Post added at 11:39 ---------- Previous post was at 11:38 ----------

I've had sinus pains for 2 months now. I'm starting to freak out been reading stuff about sinus c and it's terrified me. My symptoms are pain and pressure behind my eyes and forehead cheeks and bridge of nose. My tinnitis isn't as bad as it was. I went to an ent he took an xray and said I had a sinus infection, he gave me some steroids and antibiotics. Well 2 more sets of antibiotics an optometrist and neurologist appointment later and I still have pains. I'm seeing my ENT Thursday so hopefully he can tell me some good news.

Did you get tinnitus with the sinus probs? x

03-02-16, 19:17
That's what my ENT said but I think it may have been anxiety.

03-02-16, 20:12
Could well be. I was surprised that they offered a hearing aid yesterday. I have actually had a go with my father-in-laws (cleaned very thoroughly first!) and was surprised how much it masks the hissing in my ear. Even if I don't use it all of the time. it will be handy to have x

07-02-16, 21:46
Just curious as to what sort of pain your sinus issues cause you ??
As I'm currently having issues , mine started as cheek pain , I was a little stuffy in nose but not a full blown cold , few sneezes etc , it's now in my left cheek and eye , a dull ache pain like when you get punched or hit etc :(
Obviously my anxiety won't let it rest and I'm on constant edge !

08-02-16, 23:41
Hope you're feeling better, easey04? :)

09-02-16, 02:56
Not yet :( think a bug is heading my way which is putting me on edge :(

12-02-16, 01:15
I have the same stuff. Nose pain on one side. first it is plugged half the day then it opens up and I get a painful feeling breathing any cold or cooler air.
then I get facial burning and a odd full feeling in the sinus area. some pain on my cheekbone.
went to the doc the other day and he shined a light up my nose and said all looks fine. I still cant really believe it that all looks fine. dont feel that way.

12-02-16, 09:41
I'm getting a lot of these issues. Pain or discomfort on my right eyebrow area, stuffy nose and mucus, sometimes a pain on the bridge of my nose, pressure feeling in head, right ear seems blocked and sometimes some pain. However I did have a bad sinus and ear infection back in August. I'm also getting dizziness and watery eye.
However, there is such a thing as chronic sinusitis, and this is probably what you're suffering with. The problem with chronic as opposed to acute is that it's not caused by infection, and thus can't be treated with antibiotics. It's not a serious condition though, it's just a massive Inconvinience. Think about it; if you had sinus cancer you'd have had a log more symptoms by now, or it would've spread.

14-02-16, 18:03
Has anyone else ever been told that their sinus problems have gone to their ears? My tinnitus and ear aches/itches were blamed on sinusitis, yet remained after my main sinus problems had subsided.

I really don't know if this tinnitus came from sinusitis, anxiety or my long-term mild hearing loss :unsure:


14-02-16, 18:39
Sinuses, ears, they're all connected.

14-02-16, 18:43
I get ear problems. ..tinnitus and mild vertigo when I have sinus problems. And after colds have gone. Had a cold in Dec - a bad one - and then a milder one in Jan. Ears still bad though gradually clearing I think. in past years ive gad sinus and ear problems start up year after year around april time to coincide with pollen going up.

14-02-16, 19:03
Hi does anyone get lightheaded dizziness with sinus issues

14-02-16, 21:02
Hi does anyone get lightheaded dizziness with sinus issues

I did at the start. Also last Jan/Feb when I first had sinus probs.

---------- Post added at 21:02 ---------- Previous post was at 20:59 ----------

I get ear problems. ..tinnitus and mild vertigo when I have sinus problems. And after colds have gone. Had a cold in Dec - a bad one - and then a milder one in Jan. Ears still bad though gradually clearing I think. in past years ive gad sinus and ear problems start up year after year around april time to coincide with pollen going up.

I'm thinking of getting allergy tests this year, particularly as ENT consultant contradicted my GP and said that I don't have sinus problems! :doh:

16-02-16, 21:57
Can I join in too? Had random nose bleed the other day, on the same side as persistent sinus issues-blocked feeling, sore neck and ear, post natal drip etc. also had two skin infections in that nostril. Went to dr today and saw nurse who said she thinks she saw a polyp. None of other drs have said they've seen it. Am properly fretting about sinus c. Haven't googled it ( don't do that anymore having learned the hard way!) but I know that one sided polyps can be a cause for concern. Will go back to gp if I can ever get an appt. glad to know we are not alone!

17-02-16, 18:27
Can I join in too? Had random nose bleed the other day, on the same side as persistent sinus issues-blocked feeling, sore neck and ear, post natal drip etc. also had two skin infections in that nostril. Went to dr today and saw nurse who said she thinks she saw a polyp. None of other drs have said they've seen it. Am properly fretting about sinus c. Haven't googled it ( don't do that anymore having learned the hard way!) but I know that one sided polyps can be a cause for concern. Will go back to gp if I can ever get an appt. glad to know we are not alone!

What was the skin infection that you had? I've got a cut up my left nostril (the side with the bad ear/tinnitus etc) and was given Naseptin by ENT for it.. seems to be clearing up but have had it since xmas :unsure:

17-02-16, 20:59
Prob a staphylococcus one. Keeps coming back but cream clears it up.

22-02-16, 16:28
The Naseptin seems to be working on mine :yesyes: