View Full Version : Feel like i am walking on a trampoline

26-01-16, 14:17
Does anyone else have this feeling? I feel I am walking on a trampoline most days and it is scaring me. Some days its mild others it's bad and I feel I am bouncing as I walk or like the floor is moving. Very scary.

My GP checked me twice before Christmas and said it must be down to my anxiety and stress. I have never had this before. I dread even walking around my house. He told me it's nothing serious but I have had this over 2 months and am worried still.

27-01-16, 09:43
Hi I have this a lot of the time. I even have dizziness and a feel like I am falling whilst I am sat down!! I've never Heard of that before. Dizziness is related to anxiety and quite a common symptom x

27-01-16, 09:50
I get this too. I am being tested for Meinere's disease because of it and because my mum has that condition too. Some doctors say its just dizziness caused by anxiety and then others say its a type of vertigo. Whatever it is, its bloody horrible. I suffer from it most days, if not every day to a certain extent.

27-01-16, 09:54
Thank you for your reply.

Do you get the dizziness in your head too?

I woke today feeling dizzy in my head. More a heavy head feeling and felt my head was heavy and woozy. Foggy and fuzzy feeling. I lay flat and looked up and I felt that horrible woozy feeling. Room isn't spinning but fuzzy.

I worry that can't be anxiety. It's different to the floor moving feeling.

I cried my eyes out this morning to my husband efore he went to work. I'm exhausted. My chikdren keep getting virus after virus and I've not had a day alone for ages plus I feel like this. I can't rest. I've seen my gp twice before Christmas and he wasn't concerned. I'm worrying now it's a dizzy head it must be something awful.

27-01-16, 13:19
YES!!!! I have had that several times now. The first time it happened to me it was after riding a ride at a theme park and it lasted about a week. I really didn't think a whole lot of it other than it was annoying. The 2nd time was about 2 years later after getting off an airplane. I chalked it up to the plane ride and I had a sinus infection at the time. That time it lasted 3 weeks and it was so tiring. I remember wanting to sleep A LOT! Then it happened again last summer after a camping trip and it lasted about 2 weeks. I went to see E.N.T that time and he said it was sinus related and put me on antibiotics. Then this past time it happened to me it lasted about a week and it came out of the blue sorta. We were at a Christmas party and they were burning candles (which set off my allergies) and I think that is what did it. I think for me, it's allergy/sinus related. The feeling you desribe is exactly what I deal with. I always describe it as a trampoline or sponge walk. The fuzzy/dizzy/heavy head too.

27-01-16, 13:39
Thank you Leslie

I have no sinus pain. Nor have I had a cold or anything. I use a steroid nasal spray daily for my nasal polyps.

It's been daily for over 2 months. Very frightening but gp tells me I am fine.

27-01-16, 22:43
Please read my posts , it can definitely be anxiety .

27-01-16, 23:00
Thank you Leslie

I have no sinus pain. Nor have I had a cold or anything. I use a steroid nasal spray daily for my nasal polyps.

It's been daily for over 2 months. Very frightening but gp tells me I am fine.

My latest sinus infection, I didn't even know I had. My ear, nose and throat doctor caught it and put me on meds. I think the anxiety made it worse though.