View Full Version : Prozac for HA? And lack of appetite..

26-01-16, 14:20
Well, my Health Anxiety is probably the worst it has ever been right now. Worried about lymphoma over Christmas, oesophageal cancer on NYE, stomach cancer constantly, and more recently colon and kidney cancer.

It's crazy because I'm only 17. At 17, I doubt there's a high risk of me developing any of these cancers, but I just cannot convince myself otherwise. I've been diagnosed with GAD and have been taking 20mg Prozac for just over three weeks now, with some effect, but I'm not sure the full potential of the drug is currently working (will probably have to wait another 2-3 weeks).

A worry of mine recently, and almost constant worry has been my lack of appetite. I've never been a MASSIVE eater, I'm a pretty skinny guy, but I'm not underweight and I've never been really underweight. But recently, it's difficult to eat properly. It's like I find it difficult to swallow the food, my mouth is dry, food tastes mediocre all the time, and I feel slightly nauseous. I have begun to eat a little bit more than I did when I first was diagnosed with anxiety, and there have been spells where I've eaten full meals, but again recently I've been struggling to eat properly, and it worries me.

Alarm bells begin to ring, "lack of appetite = stomach cancer" or "lack of appetite = colon cancer." I know it's probably not stomach cancer, I've seen a doctor who has examined my stomach, but I still worry about it.

What I'm really asking is, is the lack of appetite due to the anxiety, the Prozac, or something else, do you think? And if it's due to the Prozac, how long do you think this will be a side effect? Sorry for all the questions, I'm just very confused and worried right now.

26-01-16, 16:19
I've had a lack of appetite since mid-November, around the time I started with my current downer. The HA followed. Every time I have had a downer/HA I have lost weight due to lack of appetite! Mine comes back with a vengeance every now and then. x

Just remembered.. I tried Prozac when my husband was away in the Gulf in 2003.. My appetite went completely out of the window! Lived on cheese sandwiches and natural yoghurt for a good while! Didn't take it for very long as it wasn't for me. Am on Cipralex now x

26-01-16, 19:19
Ah okay, hopefully it's just my anxiety :D

26-01-16, 20:08
I lost a lot of weight when I went on Prozac because of loss of appetite. Your appetite will come back, I promise. It takes about 3-4 months for your body to adjust to the meds. I was on Prozac for 11 years so I know how it works pretty well. Stick with it. It's the only med that ever worked for me with limited side effects.

26-01-16, 20:16
Alarm bells begin to ring, "lack of appetite = stomach cancer" or "lack of appetite = colon cancer."

Or with all likelihood, "lack of appetite = anxiety and taking Prozac" ;)

Positive thoughts

27-01-16, 08:48
I found sertraline workes better on anxiety , less side effects, no more xanax after a while...