View Full Version : Anxiety when being watched?

26-01-16, 18:06
Sorry if this is in the wrong place.

Does anyone else get panicky and anxious when being observed doing something? Like, something you can normally do fine on your own but as soon as someone is watching you can't concentrate because of the anxiety?

I know this is a general thing with most people in that everyone can get a little nervous when being observed on something but is it normal to feel physically sick and even have panic attacks?

I have quit a job in the past because a team leader wanted to observe me and I had a full blown panic attack and had to leave for the rest of the day and I was so petrified of having another, I just quit my job. Same with driving, I know how to drive as I have learnt on and off for almost ten years but the fact someone is there with me in the car gives me severe anxiety and I have very nearly had a panic attack many times which obviously is dangerous behind the wheel! So I have never passed my test.

I just cannot focus on simple things even things I know I can do, when I know I'm being watched. I feel like I'm going to be sick, I shake uncontrollably and I feel faint and panicky and my heart races. Like being nervous but 10x worse!

26-01-16, 18:47
Me. It's the same when holding conversations I feel horrible people watching me talk (other than close family and friends). It makes me extremely nervous and I tend not to talk much even with family when in a large group as I get nervous and start to forget my words.
I can't go to the gym or even for a jog as I feel like I'm being watched and if somebody does actually watch me I get shaky and need to stop what I'm doing. I can't even wear high heels as if I catch somebody looking at me I'll start to lose my step.

03-02-16, 13:09
I can relate to this too. It sounds stupid, but I can't even do my make up in a room of others, because if I catch someone looking at me, it sets me off. This includes my own boyfriend of two years.

I've had the same experience with driving too, I still haven't passed my test because of this, I quit taking driving lessons and gave up in the end. You're not alone <3